Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
I understand that the 2nd Amendment is there so that the citizens have the right to defend themselves from oppressive governments.
No. the Second Amendment in our Bill of rights is not there 'so that' the people anything. It is there 'so that' the government does not infringe on our rights. the right predates the Constitution. The Constitution does not grant any of our rights. It contains prohibitions against government interfering with our rights (not that such prohibitions have stopped them, of course).
However, our country isn't oppressive
Define 'oppressive'.
1. We have in this nation the largest imprisoned population of any nation (including communist China).
2. Nobody can own land (have to pay a yearly rent to the State or some local governmental subdivision thereof).
3. The average American works close to 50% of the year to pay federal taxes.
4. Government routinely enacts laws, rules, and regulations which are blatantly contrary to the Constitution.
5. We have the single greatest and most efficient police state apparatus ever developed.
6. ALL electronic communications (phone, email, etc) are monitored by government.
7. Have you seen the cameras at street intersections? (And no, I'm not talking about 'red light' cameras...)
8. The government last year passed a law allowing for indefinite military detention of American citizens WITHOUT CHARGES, attorneys, habeus corpus, etc.
9. The JSC admitted to Congress earlier this year that they take their orders from NATO and the UN, not Congress (caused quite a flap during the hearings, by the way).
10. The Executive operates a 'secret kill list' without any review or oversight whatsoever.
11. No-knock raids, SWAT style, even for bad student loans.
12. TSA? Hello? Hello?
We're on the fast track to putting in place a system that would make Hitler and Stalin blush with embarassment.
Of course, 'it can never happen HERE...' (Of course, it IS happening, as we speak. Will history record of us... 'we heard the rumours, but thought it was all just crazy talk...'?)
and I can only imagine the carnage that would unfold if citizens had recreational access to RPG's, tanks, and other military instruments of death.
Citizens used to have unrestricted and unlicensed access to just all that, and more, prior to 1934 (around the same time citizen ownership of gold was made illegal). In fact, you could get all sorts of military hardware MAILED TO YOUR DOOR as late as the 1970s.
Ever heard of Switzerland? No death and carnage going on there...
The Second Amendment's intent was a 'well regulated militia' consisting of the general population being armed with and trained in the use of military weapons, as a defence against riot, insurrection, invasion, and usurpation (tyranny). The Supreme court ruled in US v Miller that the 2nd Amendment specifically protected MILITARY WEAPONS, the kind generally used by soldiers. Unfortunately, the SCOTUS has ruled a lot of things that don't get enforced these days, but hey...
As for contrary to scripture, care to enlighten me?
Luke 11
21When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace:
22But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils.
Thus, the lesson is to be better armed than those who would do you harm.
Mark 3
27No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.
And the lesson is, those who wish to spoil your goods (ie ROB you), will seek to BIND you. Citizen disarmament is a form of 'binding' of a person sho they cannot defend themselves.
Luke 22
36b ... and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
Swords were standard military weapons, the 'small arms' of the day for soldiers. Jesus' command, if repeated today, would be to buy an assault rifle, the standard military small arm of the infantryman.
Judges 5
7 The inhabitants of the villages ceased, they ceased in Israel, until that I Deborah arose, that I arose a mother in Israel.
8 They chose new gods; then was war in the gates:
was there a shield or spear seen among forty thousand in Israel?
And the lesson is, disarmament accompanies a change in religion. God's people, being disarmed, was disastrous for them as a nation. BTW, those spears and shields (equivalent today to rifles and body armor) were PERSONAL belongings, not kept by a select militia or 'army' alone.
1 Sam 13
19 Now there was no smith found throughout all the land of Israel: for the Philistines said, Lest the Hebrews make them swords or spears:
And the lesson is, it is the conquered and enslaved who are disarmed, and prevented from not only acquiring but even having the means to manufacture arms.
Num 31
3 And Moses spake unto the people, saying, Arm some of yourselves unto the war, and let them go against the Midianites, and avenge the Lord of Midian.
And the lesson is, the people had to have the arms to begin with before they could send a volunteer militia to fight the Midianites.
...And so forth.