Originally Posted by crakjak
The next few weeks, we will see!! I would not be disappointed with Rick as president, I just don't see how it can happen. He is a great guy and I believe he is improving in his campaigning, if he can knock out Newt, it maybe a new day for him and Mitt.
Hope he does well, the libs will go bananas!!!!
Yes, we will see. I wouldn't be disappointed with Santorum either. He's a really intelligent guy and interviews well. Looking a little like Mr. Rogers might hurt him a bit on image.
And I think Newt had the worst night with the Tuesday primaries. Mitt did Newt some major damage with his negative ads in Florida. These last primaries showed that Mitt can't win without his negative campaigning. He's not going to be able to hit Santorum like he did Newt. Santorum is more likeable and the voters wont' go for it. They also won't go for Santorum getting ugly either. He'll have to take that nice sweater vest off first.
Romney looked even weaker saying that the other two candidates acted like Democrats. No one looks more Democrat than Romney with the albatross Romneycare on his back. He also looks weak with another inconsistency when he criticizes Obama on the forced contraception issue when he took a similar step as Governor.
Now they are ALL saying we have a "war on religion" after laughing at Gov. Perry for saying it first. Gig 'em Gov. Perry!! WOOT! Oh, sorry, that campaign is over - for now. LOL!
Another point I would like to make is Romney's untruthful claim that he will "repeal" Obamacare. His prominent advisor, Norm Coleman, is on this clip saying they will not be doing that. He makes that exact statement at the
2:24 mark.
Click on the last link, in blue, first paragraph (
they are unlikely to fully repeal Obamacare) and it will take you to the video. If I post the link by itself, it takes you to other clips on the site.
You might enjoy this article by Thomas Sowell. He is pointing out that Romney's baggage is growing. He mentions the Cayman Islands tax shelter which isn't going to go over very well in the general election. I'm sure they will throw in the Swiss bank accounts as well. Mittens Moneybags - buying an election. Not cool.
Anywayssssss, Mitt is still on top in the race. Hoping I get to vote this year. Because betwx the two - Obama v. Romney - it's the same vote, in my book.