Originally Posted by Pastor Poster
One of mine is when my mom bought me a hand held Atari game called Galaga for Christmas. I was probably 12 at the time. It looked like a mini arcade console, and had a tiny joystick. The screen was black and the graphics were in red and yellow only.
I wore that thing out in no time. Does anyone here remember the Atari game where you shot the big blobs out of the sky?
Asteroids? I thought Atari was 80's.....LOL!
One of my favorite memories is Sunday mornings, listening to WLS radio, which was a rock station in Chicago for several years. Now, understand that we were 'in church' and I was puzzled why my mom listened to that and kept the radio on while we were getting dressed, since she didn't even listen to country music (in the 70's, country music was rancid, talking about adultery and such). She told me that WMBI, which was the Moody Bible Institude station didn't come on the radio in the house well enough to wake her up.
I still am puzzled why she kept it on though. I remember asking her what a booty was (Shake Your Booty) and she told me it was a baby shoe. That song always puzzled me after that......LOL!
I LOVE 70's music, especially disco!