Originally Posted by Ronzo
No... no blood work...
I'm afraid of what they might find. lol
I go for a body age assessment at the gym Sunday afternoon. That's where they tell me that my body age is 75 or something because I'm so overweight... looking forward to that one a great deal (not).
I need to do a physical, but I'm hoping to lose some weight before I do that.
I'm cutting out the junk food
You might want to consider getting the bloodwork done. That might help you target exactly what changes you need to make, and what kind of meal plan you need.
I wouldn't dare go for what you're going for Sunday. They'd probably tell me I should be dead by now.
I've cut most of the junk food a long time ago. I still have this weakness for roasted almonds-- and have trouble giving up those. I keep reminding myself I read somewhere that almonds are really good for you. Just not in the amounts that I like to eat them. LOL
LadyChocolate, I think you're right. This does kind of feel like one of those support threads. Don't let this one die. There are several of us here that could use one of these threads. Maybe we can just form our own group here and make each other stick to our plans to get healthier.