Here is the full requirement for a Masters
Rules for the Degree of Master of Theology
These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and the general information in Part 1 of the Calendar.
See General Rules PG11 to PG18 regarding duration of study, re-registration, requirements for dissertation, etc.
PTh11 Admission requirements
A student must hold:
(1) an Honours BTh degree in the subject envisaged; or
(2) a similar qualifi cation which, in respect of the subject concerned, is regarded as the equivalent of an Honours BTh degree; or
(3) a Bachelor’s degree and in another manner have att ained a standard of profi ciency in the subject concerned which, in the opinion of Senate,is adequate for this purpose. A student who is admitt ed in accordance with (3) may register only for option (b) of the curriculum under PTh14.
PTh12 Subjects
The degree may be conferred in the following subjects:
Christian Spirituality (Degree code: 07706)
Church History (Degree code: 06904)
Missiology (Degree code: 07234)
Missiology with specialisation in Urban Ministry (Degree code: 07722 – DIS7725)
New Testament (Degree code: 06890)
Old Testament (Degree code: 06882)
Practical Theology (Degree code: 06947)
Practical Theology with specialisation in Pastoral Therapy (Degree code: 07307 – DIS451M)
Religious Studies (Degree code: 07242)
Systematic Theology (Degree code: 06920)
Theological Ethics (Degree code: 06939)
PTh13 Language requirement
(1) There are no compulsory language requirements for students enrolling for the MTh in Biblical Studies, New Testament or Old Testament.
Relevant ancient languages (such as Greek, Hebrew or Classical Hebrew) are, however, strongly recommended, especially if students were to
continue with doctoral studies. Depending on the fi eld of research, a supervisor may expect a student to acquire the necessary competency in
a language (or languages), or to enrol formally for one or more of these ancient languages.
(2) Students who wish to obtain the degree in Religious Studies, must be able to prove their profi ciency in the relevant language(s) if the Chair
of the department concerned deems it necessary with a view to the proposed fi eld of study.
PTh14 Curriculum
Subject to the approval of the Chair of the Department, the curriculum comprises either:
(a) a dissertation on an approved topic; provided that a study programme may be prescribed which students must complete to the satisfaction
of the College before the dissertation may be submitt ed for examination; or
(b) three papers and a dissertation of limited scope on an approved topic. The contents of the papers are determined in consultation with the
Chair of the department concerned and are subject to the approval of the Board of the College.
Subject to the provisions of General Rule PG11(2), the papers may be off ered separately or concurrently. The examination may be either
writt en or oral, or alternatively a candidate may submit at least two articles of approximately 7 500 words each per paper, on topics approved by the lecturer concerned, for examination purposes.
If the examination is to be oral, the College arranges the time and place thereof. If it is to be a writt en examination, students must inform the
Registrar accordingly before 30 June, stating the examination centre. Writt en examinations are conducted during January/February.
Each of the three papers (with a combined weight of 50%) and the dissertation of limited scope (weight: 50%) must be passed separately
with at least 50%. The pass-mark for the dissertation is also 50%. To pass a paper comprising two or more articles, a candidate shall obtain
an average of at least 50% for the articles combined.
To pass with distinction, a student must obtain an average of at least 75%.
New Testament
(Degree code: 06890)
This curriculum comprises a research dissertation (DIS689C) on an approved topic. The topic should be approved by the supervisor and the Chair
of the Department and may deal with any theme in the fi eld of New Testament research.