Originally Posted by jfrog
Your knowing for a fact is worthless to me because AtlantaBishop has also claimed to know something quite contrary to what you are claiming. Both of you can't know something different. So one of you must be mistaken. Why should I trust you over him?
I would ask that you sign up on AMF. Its only requirement is that you believe
Acts 2:38 as the only saving doctrine. One must be born again in Jesus name and receive the holy ghost through the infilling of tongues.
The above and the oneness of God are to never be debated. EVER.
Standards can be debated but civilly.
If you meet those please sign up and PM me and I will direct you to his welcome and exit thread. Like I said I do not think he is a liar but maybe misunderstanding or confused.
NO ONE slammed him for his revival he is having.