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01-22-2010, 07:50 PM
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Posts: 3,002
Re: IHOP Baptizing in Jesus Name
Is an intern a new convert or a person desiring leadership? I'm just curious about the term.
What we make of the Bible will never be as great a thing as what the Bible will - if we let it - make of us.~Rich Mullins
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.~Galileo Galilei

01-22-2010, 08:04 PM
Scripture > Tradition
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Location: South Florida
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Re: IHOP Baptizing in Jesus Name
Interns at the International House of Prayer of Kansas City spend a focused season of their lives worshiping Jesus, studying the Word, engaging in works of justice, ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit, and contending for the full release of the Lord’s kingdom purposes.
The Holy Spirit is raising up a generation who love God with all their hearts, minister in the power of the Holy Spirit, and impact their generation. It is not enough to simply hear the call. The “yes” in the heart must be combined with real preparation for this great journey, through skilled instruction, personal encounter, and spiritual impartation.
Many give up on the journey when they feel the despair of their own weakness and failure. But when the people of God know they were created to love Him and be loved by Him, their hearts soar with confidence in His abundant grace.
The IHOP–KC internships exist to see this generation filled with the Word of God, ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit, fiery in intercession, and committed to outreach and service.
The four internships are three or six months long and accommodate all seasons of life. The purpose of the internships is to further prepare individuals of all ages as intercessors, worshipers, messengers, singers, and musicians for the growing worship, prayer, and missions movement throughout the nations of the earth.
While each internship has a distinctive age limit, length, schedule, and time of day, they all share the same central training components: corporate prayer meetings, classroom instruction, practical ministry experience, service and outreach, and the chance to be involved on worship teams.
Biblical teaching in all of the internships focuses on intimacy with Jesus, ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit, the forerunner ministry, evangelizing the lost, justice, and outreach. Interns also receive practical, hands-on training in the prophetic and healing ministries.
Upon successful completion of an internship, interns may apply to join the IHOP–KC staff. Additionally, the internship curriculum may be transferred for credit toward the first semester at International House of Prayer University (IHOPU).
After the internship, some will stay and join ?IHOP–KC as full- or part-time ministry staff. Many will continue training in our Bible, music, and media schools at IHOPU. Others will return home strengthened in their spiritual life. Still others may relocate to Kansas City long-term to work or go to college, while remaining connected to the IHOP–KC family.
Name-calling is the last resort of an exhausted mind.
When people have the facts, they argue the facts.
When they don't have the facts, they call names.

01-22-2010, 08:09 PM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Midwest
Posts: 3,002
Re: IHOP Baptizing in Jesus Name
Little red lights are flashing all over in my mind right now...
"Many give up on the journey when they feel the despair of their own weakness and failure."
"Interns also receive practical, hands-on training in the prophetic and healing ministries."
"Upon successful completion of an internship, interns may apply to join the IHOP–KC staff. Additionally, the internship curriculum may be transferred for credit toward the first semester at International House of Prayer University (IHOPU)."
"After the internship, some will stay and join ?IHOP–KC as full- or part-time ministry staff. Many will continue training in our Bible, music, and media schools at IHOPU. Others will return home strengthened in their spiritual life. Still others may relocate to Kansas City long-term to work or go to college, while remaining connected to the IHOP–KC family. "
What we make of the Bible will never be as great a thing as what the Bible will - if we let it - make of us.~Rich Mullins
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.~Galileo Galilei

01-22-2010, 08:22 PM
Scripture > Tradition
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: South Florida
Posts: 1,758
Re: IHOP Baptizing in Jesus Name
Originally Posted by missourimary
Little red lights are flashing all over in my mind right now...
"Many give up on the journey when they feel the despair of their own weakness and failure."
"Interns also receive practical, hands-on training in the prophetic and healing ministries."
"Upon successful completion of an internship, interns may apply to join the IHOP–KC staff. Additionally, the internship curriculum may be transferred for credit toward the first semester at International House of Prayer University (IHOPU)."
"After the internship, some will stay and join ?IHOP–KC as full- or part-time ministry staff. Many will continue training in our Bible, music, and media schools at IHOPU. Others will return home strengthened in their spiritual life. Still others may relocate to Kansas City long-term to work or go to college, while remaining connected to the IHOP–KC family. "
Well, they hang out with the same crowd as Todd Bentley and Rick Joiner and they are doing something with God.tv to do the next big "outpouring" like Lakeland with all the money flowing that way.
Mike Bickell has many documented failed prophecies put up online and he got his start with the Kansas City prophets, most of whom fell into heresy and very public sin. Seems to be another cult of personality from the woo-woo wing of the Charismatic branch of the Christian family.
Seems their approach leaves alot of road kill and bad fruit. Ya, red lights and alarm bells for sure. Doesn't seem like something we should get close to.
Name-calling is the last resort of an exhausted mind.
When people have the facts, they argue the facts.
When they don't have the facts, they call names.

01-22-2010, 08:29 PM
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Re: IHOP Baptizing in Jesus Name
How many articles could one find proving that Oneness Pentecostals are a cult? How many testimonies of people who would say their lives were damaged among them? Should one read a few of them and turn away?
I have started two threads about IHOP. One was rejoicing that they taught post trib rapture which I believe in. Then this one where I was impressed to see young people being baptized into the name of Jesus. Two things I feel are true and important.
I am in no danger of joining their group. Yet I must say it impresses me. And from what I have seen so far I think the young people there are probably closer to being in a New Testament Church than they would be in most Churches I have seen. No doubt there is error among them. I will be praying for them that the Lord guide them into all truth.
To bad there are so few Churches around to get excited about. I believe this will change as the end time unfolds. In those days there will be great change in Churches as Yeshua forms a glorious bride for himself.

01-22-2010, 08:34 PM
Scripture > Tradition
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Location: South Florida
Posts: 1,758
Re: IHOP Baptizing in Jesus Name
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
How many articles could one find proving that Oneness Pentecostals are a cult? How many testimonies of people who would say their lives were damaged among them? Should one read a few of them and turn away?
I have started two threads about IHOP. One was rejoicing that they taught post trib rapture which I believe in. Then this one where I was impressed to see young people being baptized into the name of Jesus. Two things I feel are true and important.
I am in no danger of joining their group. Yet I must say it impresses me. And from what I have seen so far I think the young people there are probably closer to being in a New Testament Church than they would be in most Churches I have seen. No doubt there is error among them. I will be praying for them that the Lord guide them into all truth.
To bad there are so few Churches around to get excited about. I believe this will change as the end time unfolds. In those days there will be great change in Churches as Yeshua forms a glorious bride for himself.
I think many of us on the left side of the forum would and have said the UPC isn't for the most part a cult according to the classic definitions but many of its individual churches, some events, and some officials have strong cult like tendencies in their teaching and behavior which has been discussed in about 5000 other threads in various ways and with various forms of semantic full contact cage fighting.
And the answer is "there are plenty of articles online" because the previous 3 generations of apostolics following and enforcing their "old paths" or the new ones cramming their "apostolic identity" concept kept up a high level of road kill on a consistent basis and then the internet gave all those hurt people a voice and google and yahoo made it easy to hear them.
Name-calling is the last resort of an exhausted mind.
When people have the facts, they argue the facts.
When they don't have the facts, they call names.
Last edited by Apocrypha; 01-22-2010 at 08:39 PM.

01-22-2010, 08:49 PM
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Re: IHOP Baptizing in Jesus Name
Originally Posted by Apocrypha
I think many of us on the left side of the forum would and have said the UPC isn't for the most part a cult according to the classic definitions but many of its individual churches, some events, and some officials have strong cult like tendencies in their teaching and behavior which has been discussed in about 5000 other threads in various ways and with various forms of semantic full contact cage fighting.
And the answer is "there are plenty of articles online" because the previous 3 generations of apostolics following and enforcing their "old paths" or the new ones cramming their "apostolic identity" concept kept up a high level of road kill on a consistent basis and then the internet gave all those hurt people a voice and google and yahoo made it easy to hear them.
Ok. Peace and love Bro. I dont believe there was a gate around those UPC Churches. I do not really believe anyone at IHOP is being held against their will either.
Right now Im watching people of all ages worshipping Yeshua with joy and dancing! They certainly dont look like they are desiring to be elsewhere. I have also seen testimony where a man said he was told if he did not like the way things were run he was free to leave.

01-22-2010, 08:57 PM
Scripture > Tradition
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: South Florida
Posts: 1,758
Re: IHOP Baptizing in Jesus Name
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Ok. Peace and love Bro. I dont believe there was a gate around those UPC Churches. I do not really believe anyone at IHOP is being held against their will either.
Right now Im watching people of all ages worshipping Yeshua with joy and dancing! They certainly dont look like they are desiring to be elsewhere. I have also seen testimony where a man said he was told if he did not like the way things were run he was free to leave.
Who said locks are made of iron and fences are solid objects when it comes to religion?
Name-calling is the last resort of an exhausted mind.
When people have the facts, they argue the facts.
When they don't have the facts, they call names.

01-23-2010, 03:58 AM
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Re: IHOP Baptizing in Jesus Name
Originally Posted by Apocrypha
My experience is when I disagree with a group they want me to go not to stay. That is also my experience having been a Pastor. The guy from Fact net say:
So, in order to recieve this "healing and deliverance" they were going to give me a portion of my tuition money back (i had only been to 4 days of school) and SEND ME AWAY to Toronto, where the Toronto blessing was. They smoothly threatened me not to tell my parents (without them being there) and to recieve this news with "a humble heart" so as not to "speak evil of their authority" to anyone. If this isn't CULT action, then I sure as heck dunno what is!
After being there 4 days they were going to give some of his money back. 4 days. Send him to Toronto? Against his will? Did he then go? Obviously not. Sounds like IHOP is not the only one with "issues". The way I read it he still stayed another 2 years. I wonder what he saw or experienced there that caused him to stay instead of leave?
I will not try to justify IHOP concerning all who have left there and all who criticize it now. I have foundation doctrinal issues with them myself.

01-23-2010, 08:02 AM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Midwest
Posts: 3,002
Re: IHOP Baptizing in Jesus Name
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
My experience is when I disagree with a group they want me to go not to stay. That is also my experience having been a Pastor.
After being there 4 days they were going to give some of his money back. 4 days. Send him to Toronto? Against his will? Did he then go? Obviously not. Sounds like IHOP is not the only one with "issues". The way I read it he still stayed another 2 years. I wonder what he saw or experienced there that caused him to stay instead of leave?
I will not try to justify IHOP concerning all who have left there and all who criticize it now. I have foundation doctrinal issues with them myself.
Mike, often when someone is in an abusive situation, no matter what type it is, at least one of the following is involved:
Guilt-A feeling that something is wrong with them as a person, that they somehow caused the situation. Very often they are told this. (ie rape victim being told she dressed wrong and "asked for it")
Fear-of what people will say or do. Often slander is involved, as well. I know several people who were labelled as homosexuals for leaving a specific body of believers. Shunning is also practiced, and if a person has friends or family there, that can be very difficult. Especially if they feel they are hurting the person by leaving. (A woman leaving an abusive spouse may lose her kids and friends in her husband's family. She may lose other friends who don't understand, or her ex may even spread the word that she was unfaithful and he left her.)
Hope that things will improve-in most cases they won't. But the concept is, if I do a little more, say just the right thing, act this way... it will be ok.
Threats-Often threats are involved, "Joe left, and as he was driving away he was hit by a semi and died on impact! He went to Hell!" "Daughter, if you tell, you'll be put in a foster home" "Who will they believe, me (dad, pastor, mom) or you?"
Not wanting to admit soemthing's wrong-this could be because the person doesn't want people to think bad of the family or the church, or it could be because the person wants people to think well of them.
A real desire to do something for God-Wanting to stay in the truth, not wanting to backslide, still believing that there must be good in it...
I'm no counselor. But I have dealt with enough abuse in various employment situations to have read some books on it. They all mention these. It isn't that there is something wrong with the person. Abusers often take what is really right about a person and manipulate it to suit their own selfish needs.
They take the good qualities of a person and use them for hurt:
the submission of a daughter to her parents (or any leader).
the love of a husband or wife to their spouse (or friend, leader, etc).
the desire of a person to do their best.
the loyalty of a person to their children or friends.
the dedication of a person to their God.
the need of a person for safety and self-preservation.
their integrity (commitment to vows, for example)
I don't know how much IHOP does or doesn't do this. I'm glad they baptize in Jesus' name. I disagree with a few other things about them. That doesn't necessarily make them bad. But I would be careful.
What we make of the Bible will never be as great a thing as what the Bible will - if we let it - make of us.~Rich Mullins
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.~Galileo Galilei
Last edited by missourimary; 01-23-2010 at 08:07 AM.
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