Here are some photos I just took today.
1, Here is my dining room. I like a simple look much of the time. I have a few little things on the wall and in the little hutch.
And for the bargain hunters among us.....
Table bought about 20 years ago at a garage sale with a china cabinet I sold. I got the set for $325.00 and sold the china cabinet for $500.00.

My mom gave me the wall hangings. I bought the little cabinet for $15.00 at a garage sale. Clock was from husband for Christmas. Plant was a garage sale buy, $1.00. And , of course the bench is an authentic AMISH bench I bought from Emma for $40.00.
2. First living room pic.
Oak entertainment center $200.00 at a garage sale. All Christmas stuff bought on clearance. Prelit tree (my husband took some of the lights off as he didn't like them all) $35.00. Poinsettias $1.00 each. Garland 25 cents per bundle. Poinsettias on entertainment center 25 cents a bundle. Other stuff I got at garage sales like the two little pine trees for $1.00 each and the picture for a couple bucks. Clock, $3.00 garage sale.