Originally Posted by Aquila
I think the American people may have voted for history, however, had Bush governed our country righteously and justly I doubt the color of a man's skin would have dazzled the American people. We've had minority and female candidates before and they crashed and burned. The overwelming sense of the Bush Administration being a failure and highly questionable regarding the war, economics, and civil liberties left the American people ready for a change... whatever it might be. They saw history... and gladly voted for it.
We'd disagree there... W could have been the best president ever, but it wouldn't have changed the outcome of the election.
It was between McCain (the angry, old guy who ran on nothing but attack ads) and BHO (the young, eloquent speaker, who it turns out is all teleprompter and no action.)
Even if W had been a strong, popular president, there's no way McCain beats BHO.