And further - you said:
I think a lot of us don't realize how close to the brink of absolute deterioration global relationships were with the US prior to Obama.
Let's see... after "Iraq" -
the Israelis elected a conservative government,
Libya renounced terrorism and came clean on their WMD and nuclear programs,
France elected a conservative president of their own (Sarkozy) who actually supported Bush on Iraq,
The United Kingdom very narrowly kept their liberal Labour government in their equivalent to "mid-terms" and are now preparing to install a Tory friend of GWB's and a man who doesn't really see things Obama's way,
Italy threw out their Social-Left party and elected Belusconi and his cadre of "conservatives" (keeping in mind that a conservative there isn't the same as a conservative here) - but a government that supported GWB's approach to Saddam Hussein,
Germany bounced out their "liberal" government after they refused to help the US in Iraq and promptly installed Chancellor Merkel - a supporter of GWB. Merkel just won re-election this past month.
No, the rest of the world - our allies especially - all turned "right" due to GWB's policies. The "libs" over there paid a heavy political price for having failed to support us.
Obama's response was to betray our allies in
Eastern Europe - people who still remember the Soviet invasions. In fact,
the clueless Obama administration announced that they were dropping
Poland's missile shield on the evening of September 16, 2009.
can tell us all what had happened to Poland and what sad anniversary they were to commemorate the
60th anniversary of at that very moment, can't you?
September 17, 1939. Look it up, and then ask yourself - what kind of an idiot would announce he was dropping his support for Poland right when Obama did?