Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
as long as there are humans there will be man made organizations...and sadly politics...
Yes, sister Alvear, but here is some advice to watch for.
1) God ordained pastors love all and lead by compassion. Lording pastors despise compassion, they rather demand than encourage.
2) God ordained pastors lead by example. Lording pastors demand without concern that they must live by what they preach.
3) God ordained pastors know congregants aren't his personal possession. Lording pastors believe they own their congregants, and can control them according to the lording pastor's own will.
4) God ordained pastors are humble and consider themselves equal to the flock. Lording pastors exalt themselves above congregants.
5) God ordained pastors build saints and free them to do God’s will. God ordained pastors care about the welfare of saints rather than his own profit. Lording pastors want to control congregants and hold them down to secure his incoming revenue, the size of his church, etc.
I feel like telling somebody (slams hand on the pulpit!)