Originally Posted by jeffadams
Ya its more like preacher bashing preachers! HA
Hey, I don't have to join JP to get bashed.
I can get that on Facebook.
I recently posted the following in an Apostolic/Pentecostal group on Facebook under the subject, "God in Three Persons"
This is a quote by Daniel Segraves from his blog. It is dated January 20, 2009.
Daniel Segraves is Assistant Professor of Biblical Theology at Urshan Graduate School of Theology (Florissant, MO) and Professor Emeritus at Christin Life College (Stockton, CA). He is a minister with the United Pentecostal Church.
The word "person" has changed its meaning since the third century when it began to be used in connection with the "threefoldness of God". When we talk about God as a person, we naturally think of God as being one person. But theologians such as Tertullian, writing in the third century, used the word "person" with a different meaning. The word "person" originally derives from the Latin word "persona", meaning an actor's face-mask- and, by extension, the role which he takes in a play.
By stating that there were three persons but only one God, Tertullian was asserting that all three major roles in the great drama of human redemption are played by the one and the same God. The three great roles in this drama are all played by the same actor: God. Each of these roles may reveal God in a somewhat different way, but it is the same God in every case. So when we talk about God as one person, we mean one person in the modern sense of the word, and when we talk about God as three persons, we mean three persons in the ancient sense of the word...Confusing two senses of the word "person" inevitably leads to the idea that God is actually a committee..
This is part of a blog titled Oneness-Trinitarian Pentecostal Dialogue which can be found at
I got two responses. One was from a Baptist (and former Oneness Pentecostal) who liked it and one from a Oneness Apostolic Pentecostal preacher who didn't. This is the response from the Oneness minister:
What a filthy devilish deceiver you are James Ellis. Scum like you are the filth that pollutes the UPCI. Just look at the devilish scum who agreed with you.
I have obeyed
Gal 1:8 regarding you James Ellis. You are no more Oneness than the pope.
Can't you just feel the brotherly love there?