So they are both examples of a musical technique that is deployed to accomplish something other than the glorification of, and service to, their God.
Creating a feel good moment that uses a transcendental state is pleasurable and will grow a crowd without any requirement of spiritual mindedness being at the forefront.
And what is the "something other" than glorifying Jesus Christ you think she is wanting us to do? Can you not see the love of Jesus Christ overflowing from her and the worshippers? Can you not see the stirring of hearts for Christ?
If I were looking for a "feel good" moment APART FROM Jesus Christ I would not be sitting in front of a computer screen with tears of love falling for the presence and love of the one who died and rose again.
Oh praise Jesus Christ forever! It does not get better than this!
I heard Petra do this in the 80's and it was wonderful. If possible this is even better!
It is interesting that this video provides a use of audio repetition. Lay this vid up against Misty's and you do have a great basis for contrasting the form, and content of repetition.
soldout and MtD for giving this clip such props
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [James 1:19]
And what is the "something other" than glorifying Jesus Christ you think she is wanting us to do? Can you not see the love of Jesus Christ overflowing from her and the worshippers? Can you not see the stirring of hearts for Christ?
If I were looking for a "feel good" moment APART FROM Jesus Christ I would not be sitting in front of a computer screen with tears of love falling for the presence and love of the one who died and rose again.
I am not denying or discounting that the same video that evokes worship and praise within the heart of one hearer can serve little more than instant gratification (feel good) in another.
IMO, feel good applies to the fleeting; a buzz, a rush, a high.
It would be like people who say
Thank God its Friday
or the Christian version
...."if I can just make it to Sunday"
Please enjoy your Misty moments.
If your heart bears witness of your God, you are certainly not condemned, so its all good...for you.
But we are all big boys here. ANY music is capable ---with or without God, to evoke an energetic climb in our mood.
IMO, when audible repetition is used, it is normally a hypnotic gateway. But the pulsing, oscilating, frequency will come into play and can be valuable when trying to consider the basis for its use.
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [James 1:19]
It is interesting that this video provides a use of audio repetition. Lay this vid up against Misty's and you do have a great basis for contrasting the form, and content of repetition.
soldout and MtD for giving this clip such props
Your welcome.
When I lay this video out with Mistys as you say I am edified to the extreme! It refreshes my own spirit and makes me want to share Christ even more.
When I lay this video out with Mistys as you say I am edified to the extreme! It refreshes my own spirit and makes me want to share Christ even more.
That is an excellent moment that, when you are in it, you will have to use wisdom. Salvation is not lived in the explosive energy of an electrical guitar splashing a major cord into a system of synethic amplification.
Jesus is an everpresent help in a time of trouble.
Jesus learned obedience by the things he suffered.
Our journey with Jesus involves a cross being carried and the denial of one's self.
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [James 1:19]
I am not denying or discounting that the same video that evokes worship and praise within the heart of one hearer can serve little more than instant gratification (feel good) in another.
IMO, feel good applies to the fleeting; a buzz, a rush, a high.
It would be like people who say
Thank God its Friday
or the Christian version
...."if I can just make it to Sunday"
Please enjoy your Misty moments.
If your heart bears witness of your God, you are certainly not condemned, so its all good...for you.
But we are all big boys here. ANY music is capable ---with or without God, to evoke an energetic climb in our mood.
IMO, when audible repetition is used, it is normally a hypnotic gateway. But the pulsing, oscilating, frequency will come into play and can be valuable when trying to consider the basis for its use.
It may be true for you that ANY music apart from God can give an energetic climb in mood. Not for me. A lot of music I have heard or hear today does not give me the same "energetic climb".
Some puts me to sleep. Some disturbs my mind because of evil lyrics. Some just does not attract any notice. Some sounds demonic in nature.
It may be true for you that ANY music apart from God can give an energetic climb in mood. Not for me. A lot of music I have heard or hear today does not give me the same "energetic climb".
Some puts me to sleep. Some disturbs my mind because of evil lyrics. Some just does not attract any notice. Some sounds demonic in nature.
I hear ya.
My main watch is for stuff that needs constant refilling, stuff that seems to bring out the addicitive element in a human's spirit.
Is it LASTING? is the criteria by which I evaluate much of life's involvements.
But in the world of music, stuff like Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto can carry the listener on a transcendant journey that provides the much sought-after escapism that the carnal mind quickly becomes addicted to.
hey, just sharing thoughts and perspectives...
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [James 1:19]
That is an excellent moment that, when you are in it, you will have to use wisdom. Salvation is not lived in the explosive energy of an electrical guitar splashing a major cord into a system of synethic amplification.
Jesus is an everpresent help in a time of trouble.
Jesus learned obedience by the things he suffered.
Our journey with Jesus involves following; a cross being carried; and denial of one's self.
Yes I took up the cross on Feb.15 of 1974. He has brought me out of all my troubles. It has been a long journey marked by wonderful manifestations of the Holy Ghost. It has also been one of deep sorrow and hurt with loss.
All the while YHWH has raised up Psalmists along the way to help me continue to keep my affections stayed upon Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour.
Could I make it without the wonderful psalms he has inspired?
I would have to. He is enough. His revelations and lovingkindness far exceed the pleasures I experienced as a 70's hippie drowning in the pleasures of this world.
Im just glad he gives us his joy and one of the ways he has done it from the time of David who worshipped mightily in his presence even tho his own wife was humiliated by it is by inspiring songs of glorious praise to him!
I just ask that you look around and consider the expansion of addicitive behaviour patterns and then look at how the sellers in the marketplace rush in to meet the cravings.
The new birth is a not a methodone(sp?) clinic, its a transformation where the OLD is replaced by the NEW.
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [James 1:19]