Originally Posted by whollyHis
If a lay minister is spiritual enough for you to use him to go to prisons and nursing homes, why isn't he spiritual enough to handle a Weds. night Bible Class while pastor is out of town??
Our church dismisses when Pastor and/ or Assistant (his son) is out of town. We have no less than 5-6 'lay' ministers in our congregation...I don't get it...
I NEVER cancel services because I am gone.
It honestly never ocurred to me to do do, and to tell the truth, I never even heard of any pastor doing that until I read this thread. At least not if there was anybody at all to take care of it.
Even if there were no preachers there, I can't see canceling a service. Have some good man in the church give a Bible lesson, or at least have a prayer meeting...but cancel? Not in this life time. I think church is too important to be cancelling for frivolous reasons.
I am fortunate to have some young preachers I can trust. I have spent a lot of time with tem, trying to pour everything I can into them. When i have to be gone, I leave them to take care of things without a second thought. I can't imagine doing otherwise.