Originally Posted by KWSS1976
I don't worry about the rules the church makes it is my kid and I have the say in what they do. I teach them what is right and wrong yes we go to the movies to watch Wall-E or some other kid movies I see nothing wrong with that I know of to many pentecostal kids that where sheltered in there life church was all they knew and when they got old enough to make there own decisions they went wild because they did not know of anything in the outside world but church. My son the other Wensday night was not finish with his homework so it was time for church to start and my son wanted to go well he said dad church is more important than his homework I said son chuch is not going to help you pass your test praying will help but the church will not. I am the parent of my kid I am accountable for what they do and learn not the church or the pastor.
I did the same when my Kids were growing up.Sometimes they look at the other youth and say they really don't have a clue what Christainity is all about.We taught them to have compassion on people,to visit the sick ,Pray for others ,Help others without expecting anything in return.They visit a group home with us.[for cerebal palsy patients] I feel this it what Jesus really want of us.It is different than most of the world and this kind of love seperates us from the world and unfortunately most of the Apostolics. Balance.