Originally Posted by SuzanneDeAZ
I thought I would revive this thread. The election has taken place since this thread was started. I am watching the new Hannity show which replaced Hannity and Colmes.
Hannity is analyzing each of Obama's appointees for his cabinet and other positions. It seems almost everyone he has slected has some type of liberal bias or other issues. It is not surprising being that he hung around with the
Chicago thugs.
What do you all think of some of the men and women he has appointed. Do you think it is wise to make someone Secretary of treasure who did not pay taxes for 4 years?
I am not sure if I agree with the implication of this statement.
President-elect Obama's appointees come from a diverse pool of folks-- many from the Clinton era, but some are not (some as in more than 2 I would not consider to be liberal).
As for issues, no matter who is selected, someone will find issues. That is what the media (and the opposite party) does.
As for the Sec of the Dept of Treasury pick, most Republicans are not pouncing on this oversight because they realize the unusual employment situation of that guy.
Apparently, this is not a show-stopper for the knowledgeable Republicans on the hill, which is why it's not one for me. However personally, I thought the President elect could have made a better choice for that position, as well as Pannetta for his Intel position for which he has NO INTEL experience.
We are at war with 2 countries still, should have picked someone with more experience. We do not need ANY MORE intel guffaws that could lead to war on a third front.....