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Old 09-04-2008, 03:31 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin "doesn't consider herself Pentecos

Hair up or hair down, Sarah is beautiful. I prefer hair up. Why can't we as Apostolic's who have been praying for our government (Assuming you have been)just accept her as an answer to prayer and stop finding fault. David had no experience as king before Saul anointed him..but he became a first class king and a man after God's own heart. Is it impossible for your God to raise up a leader, I'm serving a God that can.
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Old 09-04-2008, 04:08 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin "doesn't consider herself Pentecos

Originally Posted by SOUNWORTHY View Post
Hair up or hair down, Sarah is beautiful. I prefer hair up. Why can't we as Apostolic's who have been praying for our government (Assuming you have been)just accept her as an answer to prayer and stop finding fault. David had no experience as king before Saul anointed him..but he became a first class king and a man after God's own heart. Is it impossible for your God to raise up a leader, I'm serving a God that can.
Excellent advice!

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Old 09-10-2008, 08:55 AM
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Re: Sarah Palin "doesn't consider herself Pentecos

Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
If she had been a Pentecostal the liberal press would have eaten her alive over the supernatural aspects of the religoin. They would have painted her as a nut.

I never had the expectation that she was Pentecostal because I had read that she attended the Wasilla Bible Church and "Bible Church" in a church name indicates (in my experience) a fundamentalist church but one that does not believe in speaking in tongues.
I read somewhere today that very thing,they were saying the last thing we need is someone who rolles on the floor and speaks in tounges acting crazy.[however I don't remember the source] But the best thing for this country would be a HOLY GHOST FILLED TOUNGE TALKING HOLYROLLER led by the spirit of GOD ,and anything else seems CRAZY to me
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Old 09-10-2008, 09:16 AM
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Re: Sarah Palin "doesn't consider herself Pentecos

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
Stylists to passe Sarah Palin: Let your hair down
All’s hair in love and politics
By Lauren Beckham Falcone

Thursday, September 4, 2008 - Updated 4h ago

Lauren Beckham Falcone covers pop culture, style and all things feature-y for Boston Herald.

Yes, Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin has a lot on her plate: a pregnant teen daughter, a son on his way to Iraq, an infant with Down syndrome and a looming national election.

But must her hair suffer? With her long, straight, often pinned-up locks, Palin looks one humid day away from fronting a Kiss cover band.

“It’s about 20 years out of date,” said Boston stylist Mario Russo of the Alaska governor’s ’do. “Which goes to show how off she might be on current events.”

For readers who are rolling their eyes about this nonissue - get real. People talk about hair - from Mitt Romney’s perfectly sprayed coif, John Edward’s Breck do, McCain’s unfortunate combover and Barak’s No. 3 buzz cut.

If we are going to talk about bad hair, let's start with the worst, Joe Biden's.

But we should deal with the issues of state, and let each person deal with their own style.
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Old 09-10-2008, 09:30 AM
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Re: Sarah Palin "doesn't consider herself Pentecos

Originally Posted by crakjak View Post
If we are going to talk about bad hair, let's start with the worst, Joe Biden's.

But we should deal with the issues of state, and let each person deal with their own style.

But small minded people talk about about small minded issues.
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