Originally Posted by QueenEsther
Well, I don't have all the ideas I just know that this is what we have been discussing with our youth committee, we are trying to put together an outreach team and it seems that the only way to really reach the youth age and to get their attention is through entertainment. Everyone wants to complain at how horrible the TV is but it is not going to change so lets use it to draw people - not necessarily sermons but attention getting ads, maybe short video clips - we have set up a youth website as well as a myspace acct for our youth group - it is not really being used the way we want it to yet but we are getting there. We are trying to have a few small concerts this year inside and out at places the kids hang out at. Go to the entertainment areas and do outreach. Etc...Nothing anyone else has never though of before, just don't fight the entertainment but go out into it and use it. That is where you will find today's youth is where they can be entertained. We cannot change what the world is doing so we must figure out how to use it to our good.
Well I say this...
If someone wants to do that then I say "go 'head on". If it does a good thing it has my support. And whoever has that vision should jump on it.
Me... I would not be the one to do it. I need to be the one that reaches out to the old timers who grumble because life is too fast. I will reach them where they are while someone else reaches the kids where they are.
It takes all of us and all of our visions to reach the whole world... but I think I have aged beyond my usefulness in this category.
Not knocking it... please don't take my post as knocking it in any way... just realizing that I am not the one to put that particular vision to work.
And some youngster full of energy would go equally as crazy trying to talk to folks who think life is moving too fast.