Originally Posted by DerrickS
Mark, you sound like a really nice guy, and I don't mean to target your posts so much, but these comments are so alarmist that it makes it hard to take any of your other posts seriously. Do you have some sort of evidence that Obama is an undercover muslim, or is it just sensationalist propoganda on your part? It just seems like you are trying to stir the pot, and that it hasn't taken a lot of evidence to get you to jump on this bandwagon.
i don't believe obama is a muslim like the ones in the middle
east who wear robes and go to mosque but I believe that is his
Roots, his core beliefs and he's sympathic to them. I don't
believe he is a christian. that's for "show". Chicago is a churchin'
city and deep roots in the church so if you're a politician, you
have to do as the romans if you want to get elected. America
is still a Judeo Christian country(in name only) so of course he
has to keep his true beliefs VERY quiet. I can't explain on the
forum all the reasons I believe he is still a muslim at heart. I
would have to give names of people I'm close to here and
that would get me in trouble