Originally Posted by acharris
Any man who is so fixated with the past sins of Lanny Wolfe makes you wonder what he is tolerating in his life.
I am a JCM graduate and although not talented musicly myself LW and Mareitta were a big part of my life during that time.
I consider them friends and if they performed locally I would go see them. I enjoyed their first reunion performance at the 2005 JCM reunion.
Having said that I agree with Coonskinner's assessment that the issue here is not one of not forgiving but one of recognizing that the sin has never been confessed nor restoration made.
I am exUPC with deep roots still in the UPC and I also am in the know among exUPC circles. Not one single time have I heard anything about LW coming clean over his problem, the accusations, etc or any restoration, accountibility group,etc.
For that reason I would not be happy if my exUPC church invited the trio to sing. Not to mention just the flat out weirdness of a group where 2/3 of it are made up of two people who are divorced from one another!
Bottom line is that most of us on here believe in restoration to one degree or another but that has not been done in this case.