Originally Posted by Monkeyman
Ummm, I don't know how to break this to you gently, but, if your family is wearing cowboy boots...with suits....YOU MIGHT BE A REDNECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think my husband is a redneck!!!!!
But I found out he can't be white trash!
· What a Redneck Isn't
· I have already explained What a redneck is, now I feel it necessary to explain what a redneck isn't. Most folk out there, sittin on their high and mighty social horse feel that they can group folks they see as uncultured or undesireable as rednecks. This shows their lack of knowledge and ignorance.
· For example, these people interchange characteristics of white trash and rednecks. I will admit that it might be possible for a redenck to be also white trash, but this is not to be taken for granted. And some characteristics are no longer apply or might have never applied. I will attempt to rectify this.
· 1. White trash, or more correctly, trailer-trash live in trailers...not rednecks. We more commonly inhabit run-down, partially constructed homes or log cabins.
Now, I can sleep at night. :biggrin: Praise the name of Jesus!!!