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Old 01-12-2008, 07:26 AM
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whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

if i dont believe in prophecy then i cant very well believe in knowledge
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Old 01-12-2008, 07:30 AM
StMark StMark is offline
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Originally Posted by Wink View Post
whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

if i dont believe in prophecy then i cant very well believe in knowledge

Excellent analogy!
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Old 01-12-2008, 08:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Wink View Post
whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

if i dont believe in prophecy then i cant very well believe in knowledge
Don't be silly! The scriptures in context tells us that the greatest gift of all is love and it transends all time and all situations. Love never fails!

Blessings, Rhoni
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Old 01-12-2008, 08:08 AM
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Originally Posted by StMark View Post
Now this post was Hilarious

Do you believe in the 4 fold ministry or the 5 fold ministry????

Do you believe like the church of Christ that Prophecy & gifts of the spirit have been done away with ???

HO, If you feel this way because of the abuse that most of us have seen,I can understand your feelings.I've seen the horror too BUT! have we not seen horific abuse take place from Pastors??? So does that give us the right to do away with Pastors because some have abused their positions?
Good post St. Mark
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Old 01-12-2008, 08:50 AM
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Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne View Post
I won't go to any service where someone is there to 'operate in the gifts'. I just don't believe in that stuff.
the excerpt of scripture that i used was to actually make a bigger point. see above

And i agree with you the greatest gift is love which is a fruit of the spirit. I know and have known people that are "gifted" by God but not really fruit bearers. the gifts dont seem that huge to me when you stack them up against the fruits of the spirit.

I was in a service about 1993 in a southern state. we took a friday nite off so the church i was at could host a special district service. The special speaker who is a household name in the PC preached for about an hour and gave an alter call.

The pastor had a daytime job at the time and a young man that worked for him had been arrested and was going thru a lot of issues in his life and the pastor had picked him up that day from the jail and brought him to church for the first time.

The young man hit the alter broken and seeking God. The other men and the pastor that knew the situation began to pray with him.

The special speaker literally shut down this young man and the people that were praying with him so he could call a lady out publicly and tell the church what was wrong with her and then proceed to claim her healing.

I dont remember if she was healed but i do remember that the young man wiped his eyes got up and went back to his seat and i didnt see him anymore.

Small church very humble pastor. Told me later that if he had it to do over he would have ignored this speaker and or shut him down.

Im glad this didnt happen to me in 88 when i came out of 10 years of clubs and drugs and alcohol and ran to the alter in the middle of a service.

Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost

Last edited by Wink; 01-12-2008 at 08:58 AM. Reason: addition
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Old 01-12-2008, 08:58 AM

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Originally Posted by StMark View Post
Now this post was Hilarious

Do you believe in the 4 fold ministry or the 5 fold ministry????

Do you believe like the church of Christ that Prophecy & gifts of the spirit have been done away with ???

HO, If you feel this way because of the abuse that most of us have seen,I can understand your feelings.I've seen the horror too BUT! have we not seen horific abuse take place from Pastors??? So does that give us the right to do away with Pastors because some have abused their positions?
Actually, Mark, I tend to agree with HeavenlyOne. I am of the opinion that the gifts belong to the church, not to a man. I think it is contrary to scripture for folks to go around and say I have the gift of prophecy or the gift of healing. I believe that those gifts belong to THE CHURCH and should continually be in operation in THE CHURCH but not necessarily in specific men who travel around like some $5 side show or circus. It is the FCs and MBs of the world that lead to the accusations against ministries of false prophets or, in some cases, profiteers. I also think claiming the possession of the gift puts pressure on the "possesser" to perform... often, unfortunately, in the flesh!

I do believe that there are some who are used in certain gifts more often because they make themselves available to and are receptive to the specific move and desire of the Holy Ghost. I do NOT believe these men HAVE the gift... more that the gift HAS THEM when needed.

Just my 2 cents.
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Old 01-12-2008, 09:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Coonskinner View Post
That's not how it works, Pianoman.

The gifts are not like radar that picks up whatever static is around, or like a geiger counter picking up radiation.

God speaks and shows a man what He wants that man to know.

(I am not defending CP...I never even saw the guy and don't know him from Adam)

I was preaching a meeting once and the Lord showed me a man in moral sin...I quietly went to him in the altar and got in his ear and told him what the Lord had shown me. He broke down weeping and admitted it. He was in high leadership in that particular church.

I took him to the pastor so he could confess and start down the road to recovery.

What I didn't know was that the pastor was having an affair at that same time. I had preached strongly against the spirit of adultery because I felt it so thick, and God revealed to me the one man, but not the pastor. I do imagine he was a little nervous though.

Why did it happen like that? Who knows...I don't "operate" any gifts, I just do what I feel led to do, and try to speak what God shows me, and keep qiuet when I have nothing to say.

But I am not a mind reader.

Neither is anybody else, unless they are tapped into something other than the Holy Ghost.

God reveals what He pleases, for His own purposes, in His time and in His way.

I think this is the way it should be..........you getting a word from the Lord and quietly giving it to the person it was for.

I get so tired of the "calling out" preachers. Seems to me some just make a career out of "calling" people out.

I just don't see God getting much glory, or worship and praise, as far as that goes, out of services such as these.
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Old 01-12-2008, 10:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
I clicked on what we believe and evidently the primary belief in that church is Pierce is a prophet!
The articles of faith is Pierce is a prophet.
Here in THIS post, you answered your own question as to what gift is his "hit and miss" gift. Indeed it is very much hit and miss. Sometimes more miss than hit, sometimes more hit than miss, but always hit and miss.

You see "self" projected in his stated articles of faith. This is the reason of the hit and miss. When one projects self, it is not hard to determine the center of his love.

Faith, as does all other gifts, operates by love, but not SELF-love. When self-love is intermingled with divine love in the operation of gifts, there is the ugly specter of the "hit and miss."

We have seen a lot of this over many years. Hit and miss is indicative of spiritual childishness as Paul demonstrated in I Cor. 13. Maturity in Christ is shown forth in the maturity of charity, the manifestation of divine love in the life and ministry of the "prophet." Otherwise, where there be "prophecy" or any other gift, it shall fail, being only a hit and miss proposition.

Time to grow up in Christ and put away childish things, as Paul said in the same chapter.
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Old 01-12-2008, 10:10 AM
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great post! There is a definite wake of heartbreak and shaken faith caused by "self"

A prime example is the one that comes thru and tells a dying saint that they are not going to die.
The saint does die and some of the people that held on to this "word" find themselves confused
and even lose their faith.

Dangerous ground to walk on when you are playing with peoples lives!
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Old 01-12-2008, 10:26 AM
Sarah Sarah is offline
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Originally Posted by Wink View Post
great post! There is a definite wake of heartbreak and shaken faith caused by "self"

A prime example is the one that comes thru and tells a dying saint that they are not going to die.
The saint does die and some of the people that held on to this "word" find themselves confused
and even lose their faith.

Dangerous ground to walk on when you are playing with peoples lives!

And I've seen this, Wink,........over and over again.
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