Originally Posted by Felicity
*written to nobody specifically*
I've heard people say so many times ..........
"They may not be apostolic and they may not have ever spoken in tongues but they've got something. There's no doubt about that. The anointing is all over them and the glow of the Holy Ghost is on their face. They certainly ministered to me. The presence of the Lord was so rich!"
Well.........just what is it that they have? What is that something?
I know people like this, too. They have what Abraham, Moses, David, etc had -- they have the Spirit of God at work in their lives. But, they have not been filled/baptized/indwelt by that Spirit.
You mentioned a number of times that repentance does not change a person; that it is the Spirit. I agree (mostly), and that same Spirit is what is teaching, anointing, leading, guiding these people. I don't see anywhere that God's anointing Spirit can't fall upon someone temporarily. It happened all the time in the OT.
But, His ultimate desire is to lead them to the truth of the new birth, because until then they are just recipients of God's mercy and grace on a level available to every human being.
Some choose to seek for and respond to this. Others seek, but never complete the process. They will be lost despite having "felt" the Spirit and been known to respond to the Spirit by those of us who recognize His work in their lives.
It will truly be sad for some who got oh-so-far.