Just a note. MB and I practically grew up together. I saw his sincerity and know his integrity. And I also conversed with the antagonist and have experienced the "stinging". So it really is more than any bias.
I don't see any difference in his bemoaning a service from what he felt, than you or others who attended and thought it was great and speaking their feelings on what they felt.
IOW, you and I can both attend the same service and feel totally opposite as to what we felt in that service. Guess who is wrong?
Neither of us. We are both right. We may disagree with how each of us presents what we felt, but how something is felt is only definable by the person feeling it, and to call BS wrong in his summarizing what he felt is preposterous to me, just as it would be if he asked you all for proof of what a great service it was and what you all felt there.
I really don't care either way, but I am confused as to how someone can talk about spirits that they refer to as "He" and have proper names, yet they are not demons... are there multiple types of evil spirits that actually have personalities and proper names?
. . . we still have NO PROOF that any of what BS accused MB of is actually true. All we have is what BS claims, but nothing to back it up. Sorry, but in my experience that's not a good thing. I'm sick of ministers making baseless accusations against others.
Call it an attack or whatever, but I'd like to see some proof of BS claims . . . or an apology by him for making these baseless accusations. BS is claiming that MB is a student of the Cathedral of Wisdom; claims that MB uses words "verbatim" from this Cathedral of Wisdom's teachings.
I want some proof to back it up.
I imagine BS is a good man, and he probably is sincere in his reasoning. But that alone doesn't make it right.
I really don't care either way, but I am confused as to how someone can talk about spirits that they refer to as "He" and have proper names, yet they are not demons... are there multiple types of evil spirits that actually have personalities and proper names?
Did he name the spirit? I don't recall that, but he did recognize him. Said he was ancient. Same spirit that Balaam dealt with. I don't think a human spirit that's that old could be at work today, or that a heavenly spirit (angel or the Holy Spirit) would be spewing false doctrine, as he indicates. I'm pretty sure all that is left is demons. Despite any backpedalling, it is abundantly clear that Bro Strange was making it known that a demon was speaking through this prophet. Does anyone still deny that?
Someone hailed as a "prophet" spoke words that were strange, from a spirit that I was quite familiar with. I am so surprised and shocked that Apostolic people are sooooo gullible. I wanted to puke. Though I recognized the spirit immediately, when he began to speak concerning "an uncommon seed for an uncommon harvest" and other words in the same vein, there could be no doubt about it. Then he "prophesied" to different ones. I said to that spirit, "Ah yes ol' boy, I recognize who you are."
BTW, I'm not saying he was right or wrong. It's just odd that many of his defenders seem to be ignoring some of the facts, here. Odd, that's all.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Timmy, you are right, I might have misread when I thought he called it a specific proper name... I am just wondering if he actually means something different and the way he is personalizing this "spirit" is making people think he is talking about a demon... I know he has also talked about praying out a demon or spirit of dwarfism from his son or something in his testimony, so this is why I just want to know if he is personalizing these "spirits" making them to seem like sentient creatures is on purpose or is just a semantics thing.
Timmy, you are right, I might have misread when I thought he called it a specific proper name... I am just wondering if he actually means something different and the way he is personalizing this "spirit" is making people think he is talking about a demon... I know he has also talked about praying out a demon or spirit of dwarfism from his son or something in his testimony, so this is why I just want to know if he is personalizing these "spirits" making them to seem like sentient creatures is on purpose or is just a semantics thing.
I do know that he DID SAY the music was influenced by the DEVIL...how much more do we need to understand...he was talking about demonic influence...come on now!
Just a note. MB and I practically grew up together. I saw his sincerity and know his integrity. And I also conversed with the antagonist and have experienced the "stinging". So it really is more than any bias.
I really don't care either way, but I am confused as to how someone can talk about spirits that they refer to as "He" and have proper names, yet they are not demons... are there multiple types of evil spirits that actually have personalities and proper names?
I believe in the spirit of flesh. It's not demonic, but human in nature, however, it's sinful as well. In referring to a flesh spirit, I might give it a gender.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!