BTW, CARM's opening video on their homepage right now is atrocious. Not a fan of his communication of the Gospel. "If you don't like that, throw away your bible" in other words "If you don't like it, leave."
Well Cody would be an on campus student. Thanks for the input. Sometimes it is different even within the different schools. Regent's online government program is weak, but their online Communications program is great.
Yeah. I was speaking with an idea that he may be studying theology. I would guess their liberal arts, communications, etc programs are okay. Then again, I wouldn't know.
They were good. They are one of the top ten in distant learning education along with Regent and LaTourneu. The closest graduate school, from where I live, is at least an hour or two drive. Personally, I am very upset with Liberty and not sure I will re-enroll since the debacle over Ergun Caner and his dishonesty.
Id like to see a commentary for the entire bible, but of an exegetical kind, exploring the greek and alternate legitimate translations for greek words/syntax.
As I pointed out, several Trinitarian scholars agree some verses can be translated different, even ones that are banner Trinitarian verses like Heb 1:8 (which is a verse I would use to to show the Deity of the Son)
Appreciative of your opinion, I just don't see it as incredibly important to create a distinction of translations according to Oneness or Trinity. There are dozens of other variables that are much more important and relevant.
When you say "Trinitarian verses" do you suggest these Oneness scholars (who are non-existent right now) would better interpret these verses with a different outcome?
JN would know best since he's there. But I had a friend taking Master's level courses from there. In discussion with him, I wasn't that impressed on the quality of instruction he got, particularly with the distance program. For a Master's program, I'd highly recommend either 100% on-campus or a cluster class situation where once a quarter you spend 5 full days, mixing it up.
I also judge a school based on its faculty, it's history, and what the school is known for. For example, I personally would not study theology at Vanguard.
I took a few classes under Gary Habermas. He is one of the best out there IMHO. I enjoyed learning from him. I do have some very interesting comments, though, that I noted for later reference. He said that every semester he gets papers turned in on the Trinity that describes three gods.
Yeah. I was speaking with an idea that he may be studying theology. I would guess their liberal arts, communications, etc programs are okay. Then again, I wouldn't know.
Originally Posted by JN Anderson
They were good. They are one of the top ten in distant learning education along with Regent and LaTourneu. The closest graduate school, from where I live, is at least an hour or two drive. Personally, I am very upset with Liberty and not sure I will re-enroll since the debacle over Ergun Caner and his dishonesty.
Yea he is looking more at sports management.
What was the deal with Ergun Caner?
Daniel, I concur with you on the communications degree. My wife has so many open doors it is not even believable.
"Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow." ~Aesop