Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Well, that's it! You see it's working! This is a good thing.
Nice and tight close quarters that's good. You see when that Brother and his family let loose you just dive right in!
Sit in the back where? This Brother has a handful of his family members and you are sitting in the back of what? That must look pretty scary to who ever walks in, they must think what is going on to make this one person sit all by themselves? Are you going back to a relationship with God or looking for somewhere to hang out on a Sunday morning? Jump into the middle of that thing and help the preacher out.
There's 30ish people there at every service now. We're up from 15 when I started going (and my family is 5 of those...)
And honestly I don't care what it looks like to anyone else. *I* got dragged into this (by God) kicking and screaming and it's taking some time for things to be set right again. That said, thanks for the push. These words, "Are you going back to a relationship with God or looking for somewhere to hang out on a Sunday morning? Jump into the middle of that thing and help the preacher out." might just keep me up tonight.
You asked what my reason is for sitting in the back. When I first started going to church, it was because I had 4 kids who'd never been in church and had to do some teaching on how to act. We're not quite past that, 2 of them have it down and now sit in the front with the youth, the other two can be oh my some services. Thankfully they usually take turns.
Now though? I sit in the back because I'm still holding myself out at the edge of things. I'm learning, and unlearning, some things but I'm still terrified of jumping in and trusting God. I know this, and I'm working on it...well God is at least. I really do feel like I'm mostly along for the ride. It's been one rough journey so far and I can't catch my breath. I am learning to let go...slowly. It's even harder to catch my breath when I fight with God.