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Old 10-27-2007, 09:17 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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I'm waiting for the "Magic Hair Song" sung to the theme from Age of Aquarius/Wheres the Sunshine.

Or the "Don't go Question your Pastor" to the tune of "Don't go breakin my heart".
Old 10-27-2007, 09:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Then preach in a thong.
I'm curious about your thought process, EB. Do you really think that everyone who doesn't see it your way is off on some extreme?

The NT teaches modesty. How we apply that can change from culture to culture. Are really this severe or are you just tweaking folks?
Old 10-27-2007, 09:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Well, that's it! You see it's working! This is a good thing.
Nice and tight close quarters that's good. You see when that Brother and his family let loose you just dive right in!
Sit in the back where? This Brother has a handful of his family members and you are sitting in the back of what? That must look pretty scary to who ever walks in, they must think what is going on to make this one person sit all by themselves? Are you going back to a relationship with God or looking for somewhere to hang out on a Sunday morning? Jump into the middle of that thing and help the preacher out.
There's 30ish people there at every service now. We're up from 15 when I started going (and my family is 5 of those...)

And honestly I don't care what it looks like to anyone else. *I* got dragged into this (by God) kicking and screaming and it's taking some time for things to be set right again. That said, thanks for the push. These words, "Are you going back to a relationship with God or looking for somewhere to hang out on a Sunday morning? Jump into the middle of that thing and help the preacher out." might just keep me up tonight.

You asked what my reason is for sitting in the back. When I first started going to church, it was because I had 4 kids who'd never been in church and had to do some teaching on how to act. We're not quite past that, 2 of them have it down and now sit in the front with the youth, the other two can be oh my some services. Thankfully they usually take turns.

Now though? I sit in the back because I'm still holding myself out at the edge of things. I'm learning, and unlearning, some things but I'm still terrified of jumping in and trusting God. I know this, and I'm working on it...well God is at least. I really do feel like I'm mostly along for the ride. It's been one rough journey so far and I can't catch my breath. I am learning to let go...slowly. It's even harder to catch my breath when I fight with God.
Old 10-27-2007, 09:18 PM
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Hey I think you should not be getting down on Brother Caston Smith.

Let's not get personal people. Remember the rules that were sent to our e-mail. Don't go there.
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Old 10-27-2007, 09:19 PM

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Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Question would be what's on your mind.
I wouldn't be singing about the split skirts. I'd be headed out the door if I had to hear that kind of junk. Fact is if it's being sung about it's on someone's mind.

I again ask this question:

If preachers are telling singers to sing songs about split skirts and they are doing it, what is on everyone's mind during the singing of that song more - the split skirts or Jesus?
Fighting the Devil NOT my brother.
Old 10-27-2007, 09:21 PM
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Sorry On That One...

Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post
Oh I cant even say what I am thinking right now.. so simply...... BAD BAD!!!

Yeah, that one got a little bouncy! Just awful to think people believe they're anointed with a song like that! My bad!
Old 10-27-2007, 09:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Are you striking out with teaching to the young people you're ministering to?
Who are these individuals who are sick?

Stop having them sing all those soft Trinitarian ballads.

In Jesus name

Brother Benincasa

I don't understand the first question.

The "individuals" are the greatest number of our people (not just young people) who hunger and thirst after God, but are tired of what they perceive as carnal and nonsensical songs and preaching.

I'm not aware of any Apostolics who sing songs devoted to "Trinitarianism." We do sing songs written by people who are or were at least nominally Trinitarian, but then again, so do you. So, what's the problem with these songs?
Old 10-27-2007, 09:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Sheltiedad View Post
Why don't they just go a step further and start naming names and sins in the songs? I made up a couple of verses but am afraid to post it due to adult content. Here is a small sample...

Sister Suzie Q called me today
She said that she had something to say

John Smith who lives at 123 Mockingbird Lane
had 3 children and seemed quite sane

His car was spotted at Sis. Peggy's house
When their spouses found out, it was quiet as a mouse

Praise God, Praise God, Praise God

[insert verse 2 here]
Can't make that the praise and worship song because it's the sermon!
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Old 10-27-2007, 09:32 PM
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Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
I'm curious about your thought process, EB. Do you really think that everyone who doesn't see it your way is off on some extreme?

The NT teaches modesty. How we apply that can change from culture to culture. Are really this severe or are you just tweaking folks?
Culture to culture? With the way this culture is getting you better give me


In Jesus name

Brother Benincasa

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Old 10-27-2007, 09:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Then preach in a thong.

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