Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge. If [any thing] be revealed to another that sitteth by, let the first hold his peace.
For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted.
And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.
IMO, the instruction in 1Co 14: 29-32 (above) is a non-concept in our gatherings (the exception proves the general statement). Since 1C0 14 is loaded with instruction on how life should be conducted during those times when “… the whole church be come together into one place…”, our La District camp meeting seems to be a location where it has application.
Also IMO, this thread was a form of this happening with a system that does not have any structural tradition or expectation for it to happen.
If we have folks just declaring what they “feel” is needed we should also have ‘double’ the amount of folks judging the utterance of the prophet.
Hey, I know I am a crazy dreamer and besides, “wouldn’t those persons be JUDGING and we know the earth will open up if the anointed get TOUCHED! GAAAASSSSSPPP, Korah, you and your family go back to the pit!
Even worse than these typical rhetorical countermeasures being released, this same thread even considered a need for “civil legal involvement”. Wowsy, wow, wow, the only thing more extrabiblical then that approach would be to evoke RULE over one another in some new denominal heirarchy.
Our zeal for prophesy is wonderful. Our zeal for prophets is vile.
Even so ye, forasmuch as ye are zealous of spiritual [gifts], seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the church
As far as the AS, I have always said I have no problem with it and IF I was UPC would sign it in a heart beat.
Bro. Strange is the one that thinks it "damnable".
I forgot to put a in my post. But I hope you know I was having fun in all this.
I agree with you. If I was to license with the UPCI, I could sign it with no problem and would live what I signed. I do think it is a waste of ink at this point to even require it to be signed when it is not lived by so many, and nothing is done.
Before you get all smug with your response, consider what BS did.
He bemoaned one single service. Acted like it was the end of the world for the church. Made it seem as though we were all lost and going to hell . . . or at least those in the LA Campmeeting were. *grin* He even went as far as to buy a dumb black shirt to wear with a black suit to show everyone he was mourning. He posted scriptures on woe and sacloth and ashes.
Then suddenly he woke up the next day, went to church and VIOL! Everything was good and back on the right path.
Yes, to answer the dumb statement, I have been in a bad service before and a better service the next. However, I didn't don a black suit and insult the move of God that was felt by more than one by suggesting that it was a signal of doom and gloom . . . a dark ages for the church.
I have a huge problem believing the problem wasn't just one man's return to a place he hadn't been in 25 years. He didn't recognize it because a lot changes in 25 years.
But instead of simply accepting it as just that . . . change . . . instead we get an awful diatribe against a fellow minister and other parts of the service.
I don't see any difference in his bemoaning a service from what he felt, than you or others who attended and thought it was great and speaking their feelings on what they felt.
IOW, you and I can both attend the same service and feel totally opposite as to what we felt in that service. Guess who is wrong?
Neither of us. We are both right. We may disagree with how each of us presents what we felt, but how something is felt is only definable by the person feeling it, and to call BS wrong in his summarizing what he felt is preposterous to me, just as it would be if he asked you all for proof of what a great service it was and what you all felt there.
That's my point. My only point, really.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
I don't see any difference in his bemoaning a service from what he felt, than you or others who attended and thought it was great and speaking their feelings on what they felt.
IOW, you and I can both attend the same service and feel totally opposite as to what we felt in that service. Guess who is wrong?
Neither of us. We are both right. We may disagree with how each of us presents what we felt, but how something is felt is only definable by the person feeling it, and to call BS wrong in his summarizing what he felt is preposterous to me, just as it would be if he asked you all for proof of what a great service it was and what you all felt there.
That's my point. My only point, really.
You couldn't have made a more excellent point, HO!
Isaiah 53:5: "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."(KJV)
"God sends no one away empty except those who are full of themselves." Dwight L. Moody
Boy, how simple it can be to 'make up' a doctrine out of whole cloth. And, such a task is very easy when we set the scripture aside when it 'doesn't fit our culture'. Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable.
I know you are not as dense as you pretend to be in this series of post. I did nothing of the sort. But you may well twist this post to your feigned presupposed understanding.
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)
I know you are not as dense as you pretend to be in this series of post. I did nothing of the sort. But you may well twist this post to your feigned presupposed understanding.
No, indeed I am not dense; and yes, you most certainly did make up some crazy 'theological point' out of whole cloth, thin air, imagination... whatever you wish to call it, but it ain't Bible.
No, indeed I am not dense; and yes, you most certainly did make up some crazy 'theological point' out of whole cloth, thin air, imagination... whatever you wish to call it, but it ain't Bible.
So, when considering biblical principles, you don't believe we must consider: 1) Who is doing the speaking? 2) Who is being spoken to? 3) In what context is this being spoken?
If you do not then your understanding will not be relevant for your context.
BTW: This be the "whole cloth" from which I cut my "theological point":
3 John 1:2
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
Seems Bro. John felt very strongly about our prosperity, and placed it above all things. Since he lists health and spiritual prosperity separately, I guess we can agree that he is including financial in this "above all things."
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)