Originally Posted by AR Pastor
I do know those that preach it as a sin.
Of course it's not a sin to require member to shave. If a man of god fee that it is a slippery slop and will lead people the wrong direction he is right to preach what he believes.
There are things that are not sins that are weights and hinder.
Now if you want whiskers fine go for it but some of us are not and will not be forced into excepting it.
Can you show where Paul, for instance, took a personal preference and preached it as a requirement? Peter? John?
Here if the difference in how we see this. YOU see it as a weight and hindrance. Fine. No problem. But then you require YOUR thoughts on a non-salvational issue to be adopted by everyone who attends the church you pastor. That is where a pastor is over-stepping their bounds.
Share all you want how you believe it to be a slippery slope and a weight and hindrance. Taking it the step further to make it a requirement for membership and fellowship with other believers goes against what we can see in the Bible. You can find no New Testament church doing this.
Here is a question I have for you and Steve Epley and anyone else posting here who makes this such a requirement. If you will not fellowship in person with men who have facial hair, why is it fine for you to post here and fellowship on this board with men who do have facial hair? Why allow that slippery slope? What happened to the weight and hindrance? I am by no means saying to leave, but would like to understand how this fellowship on AFF with unshaven men is perfectly acceptable and yet in person these same men would be rejected by you for fellowship? You come here, knowing there are believers who have facial hair and this is fine but in person is not. And it cannot be that you don't have to see it here as some show their facial hair in avatars.
In other words, why is fellowship with unshaved men online permitted while fellowship of unshaved men in person is not?