Originally Posted by crazyhomie
Dear friend, you obviously have no spiritual understanding. The bible declares that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, spiritual wickedness in high places.
The human soul is merely a conduit for the spiritual darkness or light that permeats it.
Whats in you will come out of you and it will reveal who you are and who you belong to. You and I have a human spirit that is either controlled by the spirits of the world or the spirit of Christ. The choice is up to us.
Yes WE wrestle with them, but sins come from WITHIN the man.
No your human spirit is not controlled by other spirits. You totally misunderstood the wrestling that Paul was speaking of. Man does not need a personal devil to make them do wrong stuff. All they need is a sin nature. Some men might be controlled by evil spirits but that does not mean ALL men are.
Man does not need a scape goat for doing wicked things. Man fell in the garden at the beginning and has been sinning every since with out a personal devil egging controlling him.
The heart of man devises wicked things'
Pro 6:18 A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
To blame it all on the devil is to deny that man has a sin nature and that man himself needs to redeemed. All God had to do was destroy the devil and mankind would be perfect.
I have a question for you, since you feel you are a spiritual superior, enough so that you can judge a man you don't even know...have you ever sinned...EVER... since coming to christ? Ever? Have you ever done anything carnal? If so, does that mean you were under control of a demon?
I have so far discussed what you have said and not said anything about you personally, have I? Up until now I just assume you were another believer that has an opinion...an opinion I think is wrong or misguided or at least not well balanced. Did you have to include the insult? Im waiting for your reply to see how our future exchanges go.