Re: All Trinitarians are Lost!!!!!!!!!!!
What I have a problem with is how the oneness Jesus name people can state a trinny is lost when they partake of all the same things the trinny do.
They worship on all the trinity holly days as christmass, worship animals on passover (they call easter) by hunting eggs and dressing their tots in bunny suits. They hand out candy to kids dressed in devil and witches out fits and pay homage to a priest of the catholic faith on valentines day. They do not have the true name of the entity they call God. They show partiality by having a pope over them they call pastor. They pay a tithe and offerings for his up-keep while others have needs. He is the only person their God lets know what the congregation needs are.
They have a temple that their God dwells at.
They teach that each person hast to have the Holy Ghost yet none are allowed to use it to lead them as scripture states.
But the trinny are going to HELL.
They need to read Jer. and see that just because they had the name of their God it did not stop them from going into captivity for seventy years.
WAKE-UP UPC, AMI, ALJC, and etc. and repent or you aren't going either