Originally Posted by TRIPLE E
Only listened to it for a few minutes,I thought our message was Jesus-Christ and Him crucified,but it sounds like he's preaching KP!
I have not listened to the service but I was at Promiseland not long ago when this service was announced and it was to incorporate KP's birthday celebration so I am sure that is why you heard a lot about KP.
The church used to throw KP big "surprise" birthday parties and to pre-empt that I think he just started incorporating a little nod to his birthday in whatever service was the closest to it.
In this case when I was there a couple of weeks ago he said that Steve Fender was going to be one of the guys preaching his funeral and this service was an opportunity for him to practice!
I would hope that on any Pastor's birthday his congregation or peers would let him know how much they appreciate him and what he has done. I am sure that is what was going on here.
KP is not flashy nor does he seek attention, adoration, etc.
3E, I would suggest you watch / listen to other services from Promiseland and I think you would quickly retract your criticism.