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Old 09-10-2007, 10:42 AM
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Seriously, I don't think they have a clue.
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Old 09-10-2007, 10:48 AM
Sarah Sarah is offline
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Originally Posted by revrandy View Post
It seems sometimes that this is life and we get to live whether God chooses to intervene or not... I have stood by their caskets and spoke at friends funerals, people as young or younger than I am and now they are dead and gone. Cancer, Car Wrecks, and other things seemingly allowed by God to go thru the natural process of life. I have seen parents weep, husbands mourn, and wives decimated by life but their faith in God remained.

I think there are times when we believe God but rather than a blind faith there is a solid trust to know that what happened or happens God is still God regardless of the course of life.

I will always remember a message preached by Bro. Robert Trapani titled...
"Life's not Fair but God is Just"....

Wonderful post, revrandy
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Old 09-10-2007, 11:00 AM
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Originally Posted by ILG View Post
I'm not sure that this audience is the best for that! :sshhh

I don't think most here understand what you are talking about, but I sure do. Unless you actually live it, it's just so much rhetoric that seems harmless. I'm sure the only reason it eats at you contantly is because your parents are still living in this. For me, it just bugs me sometimes because I left most of it behind. Of course, I can't recapture what I lost.

You are so right, ILG......this part of the audience is not the best to hear this stuff.

My heart has always gone out to you and Sheltie, because you both seem to have suffered much hurt while you sacrificed for the work of the Lord. And the worse thing is, you're still suffering. It's time to let go.

My husband and I worked in Home Missions in our younger days. We started two works. So I know exactly what you mean when you talk about pouring work, sweat and tears into the work of God. And we had four little children to also take care of.

You know what? Those works are still going on, although we've been gone for years, and there's people there who will go to heaven because we sacrificed. Nothing, absolutely NOTHING that I can gain in this life can compare to that.

And our kids? To this day, they all have a love for God and his work. To God be the glory for that........
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Old 09-10-2007, 11:05 AM

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Thanks Sarah... I keep writing out responses but really can't say what I want to say. This is why I don't post much... it's not for a lack of words, it's for the effect my words will have on people I care about both directly and indirectly. For those who think I am over the top and harsh on my posts... you should see them before I delete 90% of the content...

I will say that I feel guilty even for suffering, just because my suffering is purely empathetic.
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Old 09-10-2007, 11:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Sheltiedad View Post
Thanks Sarah... I keep writing out responses but really can't say what I want to say. This is why I don't post much... it's not for a lack of words, it's for the effect my words will have on people I care about both directly and indirectly. For those who think I am over the top and harsh on my posts... you should see them before I delete 90% of the content...

Sheltie, I hope you don't think I was being critical, or too harsh in my post. I was just reading yours and ILG's post, and posted mine on the spur of the moment. I wonder......how can people go through, seemingly, the same situations, and feel so differently? Does it all just boil down to trust in God? With all of my shortcomings and failures, I still trust him completely.

Just so you know, I'm aware of our mistakes, and would do some things differently, if given the chance again. But the Lord knows all about that, too.

If your parents are doing what they feel the Lord wants them to do, support them....in every way. You might be surprised what you gain from it.
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Old 09-10-2007, 11:18 AM

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Originally Posted by Sarah View Post
Sheltie, I hope you don't think I was being critical, or too harsh in my post. I was just reading yours and ILG's post, and posted mine on the spur of the moment. I wonder......how can people go through, seemingly, the same situations, and feel so differently? Does it all just boil down to trust in God? With all of my shortcomings and failures, I still trust him completely.

Just so you know, I'm aware of our mistakes, and would do some things differently, if given the chance again. But the Lord knows all about that, too.

If your parents are doing what they feel the Lord wants them to do, support them....in every way. You might be surprised what you gain from it.
I don't think you were being too critical... was just saying that I can't respond without sharing more than I wish to share on a public forum... I appreciate your kind words.

I too wonder how people turn out so differently with the same experiences... by Pentecostal standards, I am a complete freak of nature. lol.
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Old 09-10-2007, 11:26 AM
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It is a fact, that there is much suffering in the world, for a divers and sundry reasons. I believe that our Heavenly Father does not want us to suffer at all. When we do suffer temptation, however, God will always make a way for us to escape it. (I Cor 10:13) This scripture is often grossly misquoted as: "God won't put more on us than we can bear". God is not putting any temptation or trial on us.(Jas 1:13)

EX: Saul was trapped in Damascus, the Romans were watching the city gate. God made a way of escape. Paul escaped in a basket, let down through a window in the wall. (Acts 9:25)

EX: Paul was headed to Jerusalem, the HG warned him in every city that the Jews would capture him there, (Acts 20:23) God even sent the prophet Agabus, who demonstrated to Paul what would happen if he went to Jerusalem. He took Paul's belt and tied himself up with it.(21:11) God had offered a way of escape, but Paul chose not to take it. (21:24)

EX: After Paul was taken prisoner at Jerusalem, there was a conspiracy to kill him, but God allowed Paul's nephew to hear of it, and it was foiled. God made a way of escape. (Acts 23:12-31)

It was not God who sent the temptation. (Jas 1:13) God only sends good and perfect gifts. (1:17)
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Old 09-10-2007, 11:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Sheltiedad View Post
I don't think you were being too critical... was just saying that I can't respond without sharing more than I wish to share on a public forum... I appreciate your kind words.

I too wonder how people turn out so differently with the same experiences... by Pentecostal standards, I am a complete freak of nature. lol.
LOL I don't think you're as much a freak as you would like to think you are. I still have hope for you.

God bless you.....sincerely.
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Old 09-10-2007, 11:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Sarah View Post
You are so right, ILG......this part of the audience is not the best to hear this stuff.

My heart has always gone out to you and Sheltie, because you both seem to have suffered much hurt while you sacrificed for the work of the Lord. And the worse thing is, you're still suffering. It's time to let go.

My husband and I worked in Home Missions in our younger days. We started two works. So I know exactly what you mean when you talk about pouring work, sweat and tears into the work of God. And we had four little children to also take care of.

You know what? Those works are still going on, although we've been gone for years, and there's people there who will go to heaven because we sacrificed. Nothing, absolutely NOTHING that I can gain in this life can compare to that.

And our kids? To this day, they all have a love for God and his work. To God be the glory for that........
Sarah, while I was in HM, I never regretted it. But and however, we left that work to take an established church. During that time it was much, much worse than anything I experienced in Home Missions and also a time where my husband and I were accused of stealing money and sued. After giving so much in HM, it was such a slap in the face as we COULD HAVE stolen A LOT of money if we had so desired. We could have also then stolen A LOT of moeny from the established church. In both places, we left much behind. In 10 years of pastoring, the only time we made any money was in the last two and that was only because we had a parsonage and the church paid the utitlites. We had all the records to show we were clean. We saved all those records, I believe my husband has them all, just in case anybody were to ever accuse again.

RevRandy's Dad took over the church we left behind in HM. He said we left it financially well. All the bills were paid and when they sold some property, the church is sitting right well now as far as I know.

Here is the kicker for me and something many here will not understand at all.
I had a revelation right before we were sued about standards and my husband agreed with me that standards are not biblical. So, after giving and pouring our hearts and souls into this, we left behind something we don't even believe in anymore. Yes, I believe souls will be saved. That is great, but it certainly is bittersweet.

We considered pulling the church out. We disaffiliated the church and the presbyter told the congregation to watch out.....we could steal the money and run with it if they disaffiliated. We disaffiliated.....and not only did we not steal the money, we did not even pull the church out of the org.

What we did was all honorable. I expect God to bless us for it. And He has done some of that blessing. But sometimes I think if we hadn't poured all that money into a church that we don't even believe in anymore, we might at least have a few things that we really wanted. We are good money managers, we have a decent house and are getting the cards payed off and are getting some money in savings again. We will have something at some point. But all our hopes and dreams that we built for the future.....everything we poured in, is like dust and gone.

Sorry if I sound bitter and angry. I do have my days. It's easy to say "Let it go" when it's not your life that was poured out. Most of the time, I'm just glad we got out when we did.
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Old 09-10-2007, 12:28 PM
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Great discussion going on here ...
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