Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
And how far did you have to dig to find that answer. I clicked the link you gave about the debate and read the 4 pages there. Then I went to the link within the debate and have read 10 pages so far.
I finally found this confession by Dom.
Now I dont know where you found the quote by Dom Im certainly glad you did. Nonetheless in ALL my contending and wrangling with Dom......NOT ONCE did he make such a clear answer as that. He did all he could do to evade saying what he said in the quote you have produced by him.
If he would have said what he said in your quote of him to ME I would have noted it long ago.
Thank you very much for the quote.
Have you ever considered that his responses to you are what they are, NOT because he's "hiding" something, but because perhaps you yourself have brought on those kinds of responses?
The guy's been around since, what? The days of the original FCF? If anyone genuinely doesnt know his eschatology it is either because they are new here, or willfully ignorant. Like I have been saying, the only people who seem to actually have any communication problems with him are certain individuals who have some kind of personal problem with him. Usually due to him pointing out some silliness on their part, then they double down on the silliness, and then they get trolled ("taunted" and "tormented").
I distinctly remember several times you made a statement, and when *I* asked you to clarify all I got in response was a bunch of questions from you followed by what looked like gloating about how I wouldn't and couldn't answer your questions because obviously I was lacking in any kind of actual doctrine. I think they call that "projection", maybe?
Getting straightforward answers usually requires a certain amount of respect for the questioner. When that is missing the questioner shouldn't really expect anything.