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Old 09-14-2018, 10:57 AM
aegsm76 aegsm76 is offline
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Re: Force NYTimes To Turn Over Op-Ed Writer To Tru

I have not read Woodward's book, but did hear this morning that in the last chapter he actually writes positively that Trump did not collude with Russia.
This is from someone else who read the book.
Funny how no media outlets are mentioning that.
If we ever forget that we're One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under - Ronald Reagan
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Old 09-14-2018, 12:50 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Force NYTimes To Turn Over Op-Ed Writer To Tru

I'm learning that if you're into partisan politics, you're a "follower" of a given party. Meaning, they have control over you, what you should think, support, and how you should vote. The party you belong to is your master. And those who see value in the governments of this world are followers of said governments, they are your masters.

The Christian is a sovereign spiritual being, answerable only to Christ and the elders of the body. A very real and true spiritual Kingdom. Christians should be warning all parties, all governments, and all peoples of God's impending judgments upon the nations that will leave them desolate and abolished upon His return. We should be calling all people out of their allegiances to these earthly governments, parties, and affiliations, and admonishing that they live only as subjects of Christ.

No. We are not here to wage revolution or violent revolt.
No. We are not going to defy law and order.
No. We are not going to refuse to pay taxes.
No. We are not going to slander leaders.

But we should proclaim the Kingdom of God through the Gospel of Jesus Christ... not the gospel of the RNC, DNC, or of any other human organization, party, or government.

Trump, should Christ return today, this United States will be laid to ashes. And you're power and position will be dissolved in His sight. Every edifice of government will crumble and buckle in the hot wake of His return. Repent and obey the Gospel while there is still time. Because America's days are numbered.
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Old 09-14-2018, 01:30 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Force NYTimes To Turn Over Op-Ed Writer To Tru

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I'm learning that if you're into partisan politics, you're a "follower" of a given party. Meaning, they have control over you, what you should think, support, and how you should vote. The party you belong to is your master. And those who see value in the governments of this world are followers of said governments, they are your masters.
Who is your master, Aquila?

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
No. We are not here to wage revolution or violent revolt.
No. We are not going to defy law and order.
No. We are not going to refuse to pay taxes.
No. We are not going to slander leaders.

You've openly advocated to bring left-wing political protests into churches, to disrupt apostolic churches.

You've openly stated how you understand why radical left-wing wackos would shoot and kill conservatives. You've even stated that GOP members should wear bulletproof vests.

You have openly defied Ohio law by not following its marriage laws.

You have repeatedly slandered conservatives and the POTUS.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Trump, should Christ return today, this United States will be laid to ashes. And you're power and position will be dissolved in His sight. Every edifice of government will crumble and buckle in the hot wake of His return. Repent and obey the Gospel while there is still time. Because America's days are numbered.
I'm sure Trump is logging into AFF every day and has already read this.
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Old 09-14-2018, 07:04 PM
Jito463 Jito463 is offline
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Re: Force NYTimes To Turn Over Op-Ed Writer To Tru

Originally Posted by BuckeyeBukaroo View Post
Woodward is a respected historian-- a modern day Josephus of sorts. This man is not the Senior Editor of the National Enquirer.

His INTEGRITY has only been questioned twice-- during the Nixon Administration (when he was proven to be telling the truth) and during the Trump Administration (and it will be proven he is telling the truth here as well).
Originally Posted by aegsm76 View Post
Dan Rather was a respected journalist, as well.
Until he got caught lying.
Same with Bernstein (of "Woodward and Bernstein" fame), and guess whose name was on the heavily discredited CNN report, which claimed Lanny Davis had no comment when contacted; and was then proven to have used Lanny Davis as the "anonymous source" for said article? The term "respected journalist" means diddly-squat to me. If they can't back up what they say with proof, then their word means nothing. That also goes for Rush, Levin, et al.

The ability to back up what you say with proof, is the only currency that matters to me when it comes to reporting. Thus far, Woodward is doing a horrible job of proving his claims.
Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
Sometimes hidden dangers spring on us suddenly. Those are out of our control. But when one can see the danger, and then refuses to arrest , all in the name of "God is in control", they are forfeiting God given, preventive opportunities.
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Old 09-16-2018, 09:13 AM
Jito463 Jito463 is offline
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Re: Force NYTimes To Turn Over Op-Ed Writer To Tru

Originally Posted by BuckeyeBukaroo View Post
Sure he isn't.
Funny how, once he broke info on Nixon, he was at first rebuffed and then it came out he was telling the truth. In fact, no one has doubted this HISTORIAN of Presidential Administrations. But he sheds light on Trump and all of a sudden, he's a fake author.
Originally Posted by aegsm76 View Post
I have not read Woodward's book, but did hear this morning that in the last chapter he actually writes positively that Trump did not collude with Russia.
This is from someone else who read the book.
Funny how no media outlets are mentioning that.
Yep, he has openly admitted in an interview that he found zero evidence of collusion, and he "looked for it hard".

HEWITT: Set aside the Comey firing. Did you, Bob Woodward, hear anything in your research in your interviews that sounded like espionage or collusion?

WOODWARD: I did not, and of course, I looked for it, looked for it hard.



Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
Sometimes hidden dangers spring on us suddenly. Those are out of our control. But when one can see the danger, and then refuses to arrest , all in the name of "God is in control", they are forfeiting God given, preventive opportunities.
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Old 09-17-2018, 08:26 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Force NYTimes To Turn Over Op-Ed Writer To Tru

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Who is your master, Aquila?
Christ alone.


You've openly advocated to bring left-wing political protests into churches, to disrupt apostolic churches.
Nope. I advocated protest against partisan politics in the pulpit, it doesn't matter if a pastor is allowing the church to be used to manipulate voters into voting Democrat or Republican. It's wrong. It's an abuse of authority. I see it no differently than a pastor using his authority to seduce or sexually abuse children. People need Jesus... not a political agenda.

You've openly stated how you understand why radical left-wing wackos would shoot and kill conservatives. You've even stated that GOP members should wear bulletproof vests.
Again, in context, I can see why unhinged individuals could resort to violence. It doesn't mean I support such violence. Here's an example to help you understand what I'm saying...

If an intruder broke into someone's home and tried to take life sustaining medication from someone they loved, I have no doubt in my mind you'd feel that the person would be justified to use deadly force to prevent the intruder from taking much needed medication.

However, a politician can support an agenda that would essentially do the same to millions of families. Can you see how an unhinged individual might feel morally obligated to use deadly force to send a message? I'm not saying it is right. I'm saying that I can see how the pathology would work.

You have openly defied Ohio law by not following its marriage laws.
Really, what law have I broken? LOL

You have repeatedly slandered conservatives and the POTUS.
I've slammed stupid conservatives. There are conservatives out there who are not as radical as those I've slammed. For example, I happen to think that Governor John Kasich (Republican) is a fine example of a conservative Republican. And yes, I voted for him. The wackos I slam, are extremists.

As for Trump, well... I think he's an idiot. I think you're a smarter and more well balanced person than Trump. That's why I don't understand why you've lowered yourself to being a blind and mindless follower of the idiot.

I'm sure Trump is logging into AFF every day and has already read this.
I'm sure Trump is more consumed with trying to manage the free world through Twitter. lol

Last edited by Aquila; 09-17-2018 at 08:31 AM.
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Old 09-17-2018, 08:50 AM
aegsm76 aegsm76 is offline
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Re: Force NYTimes To Turn Over Op-Ed Writer To Tru

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
As for Trump, well... I think he's an idiot. I think you're a smarter and more well balanced person than Trump. That's why I don't understand why you've lowered yourself to being a blind and mindless follower of the idiot.

I'm sure Trump is more consumed with trying to manage the free world through Twitter. lol
A - your TDS is showing!
Tell you what, let's do a game show and put Trump up against Pelosi and Waters and see who the real idiots are.
If we ever forget that we're One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under - Ronald Reagan
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Old 09-17-2018, 10:44 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Force NYTimes To Turn Over Op-Ed Writer To Tru

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Christ alone.
That's obviously not true.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
You absolutely did. More than once you called for actual disruption and protests in apostolic churches. You even created a thread: "Bringing Protest & Disruption To Church." Don't say you didn't do it. You did.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Again, in context, I can see why unhinged individuals could resort to violence. It doesn't mean I support such violence.
When Rep Scalise was shot, you posted that you could understand why someone would do that. You even said GOP members of Congress should start wearing bulletproof vests, and that conservatives are all talk, but liberals will actually take action. It was disgusting. You didn't condemn the shooter or shooting until several post after I pointed it out multiple times.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
If an intruder broke into someone's home and tried to take life sustaining medication from someone they loved, I have no doubt in my mind you'd feel that the person would be justified to use deadly force to prevent the intruder from taking much needed medication.

However, a politician can support an agenda that would essentially do the same to millions of families. Can you see how an unhinged individual might feel morally obligated to use deadly force to send a message? I'm not saying it is right. I'm saying that I can see how the pathology would work.
The scary thing is you really believe this. You believe this is a true comparison and that violent action against conservatives is okay.

Disgusting. I hope you're on a watch list somewhere, because you're exactly the kind of nut who would go on a shooting spree.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Really, what law have I broken?
You claim to be married via common law; however, in Ohio, any common law marriage after October, 1991 is not recognized and not legal.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I've slammed stupid conservatives.
Doesn't matter. You posted: "No. We are not going to slander leaders." And yet you have. Over and over.

My point is that your post was hypocritical. You pontificate your self-righteousness, when in fact you're covered in bloody, menstrual rags.
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Old 09-17-2018, 11:39 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Force NYTimes To Turn Over Op-Ed Writer To Tru

Originally Posted by n david View Post
That's obviously not true.
Actually, we'll get to the crux of the truth, because you're being an incessant liar in your slander of me, and back tracking to cover your lies.

You absolutely did. More than once you called for actual disruption and protests in apostolic churches. You even created a thread: "Bringing Protest & Disruption To Church." Don't say you didn't do it. You did.
Let's look at your previous statement:

You've openly advocated to bring left-wing political protests into churches, to disrupt apostolic churches.
First let's look at the facts:
1.) Did I say that protest should be brought into churches? Yes.
Why? Because if a pastor starts preaching his politics regarding a candidate, he is welcoming politics... and protest is a part of politics. He opens the door for such by using the sacred pulpit to campaign for a candidate. Please note, I have no problem with pastors preaching about issues and condemning sin.

2.) Did I argue for "left-wing political protests"? No!
I advocated for protests against ANY pastor using the pulpit to campaign for a candidate, be that candidate conservative or liberal. The entire premise was that the church isn't a political action committee. No pastor should allow his position, the pulpit, and the sacred trust he holds with the congregation to be exploited by ANY political candidate or party.
So, you're lying if you say that my argument for protest was strictly against conservatives. In the very same thread you mentioned, I argued for protesting even if a pastor used the pulpit to endorse a candidate I support. So, your twisting of the truth doesn't stand.

When Rep Scalise was shot, you posted that you could understand why someone would do that. You even said GOP members of Congress should start wearing bulletproof vests, and that conservatives are all talk, but liberals will actually take action. It was disgusting. You didn't condemn the shooter or shooting until several post after I pointed it out multiple times.

The scary thing is you really believe this. You believe this is a true comparison and that violent action against conservatives is okay.
This lie is so blatantly obvious because the very quote from me that you posted reveals it...

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post

Again, in context, I can see why unhinged individuals could resort to violence. It doesn't mean I support such violence.
Saying that I can see how an unhinged individual could justify a terrible action doesn't mean that I agree with the unhinged man's logic. In fact, I'm able to see the twisted form of logic he's using. That's why it worries me when policies are put into place that hurt sick or desperate people by depriving them of healthcare that they need to survive.

Also, if I wanted Republicans dead, I'd not have made the off handed remark that they should wear bullet proof vests. My point is this... and get this straight... if the these churlish Republicans pass legislation that takes healthcare from very sick people, and those people die, their families will not just throw a blanket over their heads and turn on, Dancing With The Stars. They will be angry. They will feel that the Republicans policies killed their loved one's. And that my friend is a recipe for tragedy, considering how many unhinged people there are out there.

Disgusting. I hope you're on a watch list somewhere, because you're exactly the kind of nut who would go on a shooting spree.
Oh, stop with the fake outrage. Because, what you're outraged about isn't even what I've said. LOL And to relieve your fake outrage and pretended concern, I don't even own a weapon. And I have no interest in owning a weapon. I trust Jesus to protect me and my family. Others, well... obviously they don't. lol

You claim to be married via common law; however, in Ohio, any common law marriage after October, 1991 is not recognized and not legal.
I've discussed common law marriage and its historical foundations and merits. But I've never claimed to be married under "common law". I've explained that I was married in accordance to the Quaker tradition of marrying couples in care of the meeting. It is a government-free religious marriage. Some call them "Quaker marriages". So, either you weren't paying enough attention to be trusted to comment on what I've said, or your deliberately twisting the truth.

Doesn't matter. You posted: "No. We are not going to slander leaders." And yet you have. Over and over.
Slander. Does that not call for a misrepresentation of the person, much like you're misrepresenting me? If I say I think Trump is an idiot, I'm just expressing an opinion. You're free to say that you think Trump is an anointed super genius. LOL Now, if I claim that Trump raped my goldfish and should be tried for animal cruelty, that is slander.

My point is that your post was hypocritical. You pontificate your self-righteousness, when in fact you're covered in bloody, menstrual rags.
Your point is nothing but lies and subtle twisting of the truth. You're being more Sean Hannity than Jesus.

Last edited by Aquila; 09-17-2018 at 11:42 AM.
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Old 09-17-2018, 11:49 AM
Jito463 Jito463 is offline
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Re: Force NYTimes To Turn Over Op-Ed Writer To Tru

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
If an intruder broke into someone's home and tried to take life sustaining medication from someone they loved, I have no doubt in my mind you'd feel that the person would be justified to use deadly force to prevent the intruder from taking much needed medication.
No, I'd feel justified in using deadly force because a stranger has broken into my home. It has nothing to do with what they intend to steal, it has to do with what else they might do while here.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
However, a politician can support an agenda that would essentially do the same to millions of families. Can you see how an unhinged individual might feel morally obligated to use deadly force to send a message?
No, I'm not mentally deranged, so I can't think like someone who is. By your logic, we should feel morally obligated to use deadly force against a politician who wants to take our second amendment rights to keep and bear arms. That's crazy talk!

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I've slammed stupid conservatives. There are conservatives out there who are not as radical as those I've slammed. For example, I happen to think that Governor John Kasich (Republican) is a fine example of a conservative Republican. And yes, I voted for him. The wackos I slam, are extremists.
I wish I could believe you're being facetious, but I know for certain that you're not. Kasich is the very definition of a RINO. He's one step away from being a Dimmie. He is not - in any way, shape or form - a conservative.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
As for Trump, well... I think he's an idiot.
Even as much as I disliked and disagreed with Obama, I wouldn't have called him an idiot. Same with Trump.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I think you're a smarter and more well balanced person than Trump. That's why I don't understand why you've lowered yourself to being a blind and mindless follower of the idiot.
Really? You think NDavid is a "blind and mindless follower" of Trump? Yes, he's defended Trump, but so have I. Don't confuse one with the other. There are shades of grey in the real world.

It would be like if someone in the media were claiming Hillary Clinton kicks every dogs she meets on the street. I despise Hillary and everything she stands for, but I wouldn't just accept that at face value because it's too outlandish (well, then again.....).
Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
Sometimes hidden dangers spring on us suddenly. Those are out of our control. But when one can see the danger, and then refuses to arrest , all in the name of "God is in control", they are forfeiting God given, preventive opportunities.
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