Originally Posted by Cracker Barrel
Come on biggy, what about when the missionary first come here. My people had only to believe the word once given. There was no study. Besides you mus a study so hard now you are now Believing trinity is saved? No one thousand no. The gospel preached even to the NT church had no word except it came by the apostles. Faith cometh by hearing. Not study. Your study is now available, but with out a man of God to show you, won't work. This is the foolishness of God. You laugh at.
You are so wrong on so many levels it is amazing. What about the first missionary to come to your country? They proclaimed the good news, which caused a seed of faith to be instilled in the hearts of those that heard and received it. But those missionaries did not have to be ordained nor licensed by any organization to come herald the good news.
You say no word was preached except it came by the apostles? What about when Paul began to persecute the church causing them to scatter?
Act 8:3 As for Saul, he made havock of the church, entering into every house, and haling men and women committed them to prison.
Act 8:4 Therefore they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word.
These were not apostles, they were everyday Christians.
You say that while I can study now without a man of God to show me I cannot find truth? Oh how wrong you are, Timothy was not a apostle, yet Paul instructed him to study to show himself approved, If Timothy can do so, so can each and everyone of us.
But then it seems you imply that I cannot study without a man of God, and that is even more laughable, because I have been in ministry since I was in my early twenties, ordained in my thirties.
What makes the man behind the pulpit any more special than the person on the pew? Not one thing, except in the mind of the individual.
Must we be accountable to someone, yes we do, we are to be accountable to one another.
Do I laugh at God, oh how wrong you are, neither do I laugh at God nor his word, I laugh at the traditions of man, that twist scripture to fit their own thinking.