A bit off topic, but as a child in the North.......for approx 10 yrs(maybe more)..
There were 4 UPC churches and 3 PAW churches that formed their own unofficial alliance of churches for the purpose of fellowship.
I was a child in the 1950's so my memory may be off
We had monthly fellowship meetings at various churches____probably an unofficial rotation. And every summer we had Bible Camp. That was what it was called. Rented a county campground. One yr UPC picked evangelist and the next yr the PAW made the selection. Fabulous services!!!
(I'm sure there was also prayer)
AM--classes for children (not sure about the adults
Noon:Lunch== not part of the cheap weekly cost
you purchased a la carte
Then recreation for all { baseball on a sandlot down the road and around the bend...and a very blue,clear lake for swimming.....while the girls went swimming== the boys were playing ball+++when we dried our hair etc the boys went swimming________
did I mention>>rustic! as in a pump for water and outhouses?
The lake was our bath/shower for the day!!!
We took shampoo down to the lake with us
2pm afternoon Bible Study--I just remember really good Bible teaching
4pm supper
6pm choir practice
7 or 7:30 evening service
My point is that we had very good unity among the 2 organizations....this was not sanctioned by either organization as far I know/ in da north...this was in part due to geography--not only 2 organizations but also 2 states.
Yes, there were no doubt differences in standards____but when you are 7 or 8 , not an issue
This ended approx 1964____________new ministers on the scene may have not shared the unity/friendship.
Now there is too much ME MY MINE......unfortunately God is not the 1st choice _______________