Originally Posted by MarcBee
Anyone. Suppose there's a brand of bottled water clearly named, "666."
Suppose there's another brand of water named, "777."
Aside from my assumption that you would rather purchase and drink "777" if given a choice, is there any scenario where drinking water from brand "666" could have any negative spiritual or physical effect on you?
Let's say you are an avowed, dedicated anti-communist. Would you buy an energy drink whose chosen logo is a gold hammer and sickle?
Let's say you are a dedicated atheist, no scratch that, let's say you are an ANTItheist (not merely atheist, but consciously OPPOSED to theism in all it's forms). Would you buy a drink whose logo is a crucifix? Or whose logo includes a Bible verse reference? (Trijicon, anyone?)
While some might not care, others might. And no dedicated anti-communist would claim another dedicated anti-communist is being silly for refusing to buy a product with a hammer and sickle logo, or for mentioning the existence of the logo as an indication of the company's political ideology. Same with the antitheists - no antitheist would suggest another antitheist is being silly or stupid or ridiculous for avoiding buying products containing Bible verses inscribed on them or for voicing an objection to them and stating their opinion that antitheists ought not support such companies who are overtly theistic.
As for the Monster energy drink, I am not convinced the claw-logo is intentionally derived from the modern Hebrew letters vau, vau, vau (indicating numerically '666'), but that does not preclude the fact that there are numerous corporate and political logos which have 'occultic' origins.
A perfect example of this is the flag of Israel - the six pointed star 'of David' is actually a medieval occultic symbol representing Solomon's power and control over the forces of evil. The history of the symbol cannot be denied except by the uninformed. The choice of the symbol suggests quite a few things about the ideology of those who chose it.
Same thing with the Masonic square and compass, or the various catholic symbols used in their vestments and other things.
Symbols mean something (otherwise they would be scribbles, not symbols). Logos are nothing else than symbols. The choice of a symbol indicates the choice of the meaning behind the symbol - though often done ignorantly. Also, some symbols or logos may look like other symbols or logos but have no other direct connection other than their similarity of design.
Modern society has been deluged with occultic symbolism (it goes back hundreds of years by the way, not just the last couple of decades) indicating the mind-set and philosophy and ideology of those who are in positions to make such symbols 'mainstream' and visible to the mass of society.
A perfect example of this is the music industry.