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Old 01-23-2013, 11:17 AM
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Re: I love being Apostolic!

Originally Posted by kclee4jc View Post
No sir. First off righteousness is not like a filthy rag before God...but my own righteousness is. His rightheousness is his very essance. It's his righteousness in me that makes me holy. That "long list of rules'' protects his righteousness from being marred by the world and the wickedness of my own flesh. Of course some of them, such as uncut hair, are simply commandments of God. Disobedience is unrighteousness.
Some say God cannot tolerate sin.

But the fact is he has been tolerating it for many generations. God doesn't need your list to protect His righteousness, He has covered all sin with the blood.

Sin will not be completely removed from the creation until God becomes all in all. That will be when HE thru Jesus Christ eradicates it from His creation, there is nothing you can do with your list to help Him get it done. It is His workmanship, when death is finally defeated, what you would sincerely like to help along will finally be completed, but this is God's world and His work, he could remove all sin today if that was His plan, but it is not.

The contrast between good and evil, is serving His purpose, He will complete it. He tells us to owe no man anything but to love.

Why don't we actually do what He says, if you will study the gospels, the life of Jesus you will find that He never condemn sinners, like we are so high developed in doing. BUT, NOW GET THIS, HE REBUKED THE RELIGIOUS LEADERS FOR ABUSING THE FOLKS. IF WE WANT TO BE LIKE JESUS......???
For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)

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Old 01-23-2013, 11:23 AM
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Re: I love being Apostolic!

Originally Posted by crakjak View Post
if you will study the gospels, the life of Jesus you will find that He never condemn sinners, like we are so high developed in doing. BUT, NOW GET THIS, HE REBUKED THE RELIGIOUS LEADERS FOR ABUSING THE FOLKS. IF WE WANT TO BE LIKE JESUS......???
The disciples did.

The Holy Spirit did.
You can't reach the world with your talents. People are sick and tired of religious talents. People need a Holy Ghost annointed church with real fruits to reach out and touch their lives. ~ Pastor Burrell Crabtree

In fact I think that the insinuation of "hateful" Pentecostals is coming mostly from the fertile imaginations of bitter, backslidden ex Apostolics who are constantly trying to find a way to justify their actions. ~ strait shooter

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Old 01-23-2013, 11:28 AM
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Re: I love being Apostolic!

Originally Posted by scotty View Post
The disciples did.

The Holy Spirit did.
Scripture and verse?
"Many people view their relationship with God like a "color by number" picture. It's easier to let someone else define the boundaries, tell them which blanks to fill in, and what color to use than it is for them to take a blank canvas and seek inspiration from the Source in order to paint their own masterpiece"
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Old 01-23-2013, 11:36 AM
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Re: I love being Apostolic!

I guess I am back to being a hairy tick.

I do not believe that "His righteousness" is in us.

The way I read scripture, he has stamped us with HIS righteousness. In other words, he looks at us thru the lens of his Righteousness when we become his children.

His Righteousness does not make us holy any more than our own carnal "righteousness" gives us "Right Standing" before him.

Second. Holiness while inseparable from Righteousness is not extended to us nor is it applied to us as Righteousness is. Scripture repeats in both Old and New Testament, that we are to "be Holy". It is a command. At the same time, scripture tells us not to even try to "be righteous.”

I liken it to me telling my son, You are my son and there is nothing you can do to earn that status. NOW ACT LIKE IT.

Righteousness is extended because we have been adopted. We have taken on “right standing” in the Family by coming to God. Holiness is us acting like it.

Now go back to thinking you were made holy.
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Old 01-23-2013, 11:52 AM
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Re: I love being Apostolic!

Originally Posted by kclee4jc View Post
My pastor preached a tremendous message Sunday night on keeping our Apostolic inheritance. It really stirred me. He preached about how Naboth refused to sell out his vineyard and that many in the OP movement are selling their vineyard.

I would like to contend that if the Apostles were alive today they would continue to be champions of the following tenents!

They would teach the Oneness of God and against the doctrine of trinitarianism.

They would teach the absoulute necessity of the fulfillment of Acts 2:38 Salvation.

They would teach Separation from the world and a holiness lifestyle.

They would teach against television!

They would teach against Apostolic ladies cutting or dying their hair.

They would teach short hair on men.

They would teach against cosmetics.

They would teach that ladies should wear dresses/ skirts and men should wear pants.

They would teach against organized sports.

They would teach against jewelry of any kind.

They would teach that the knees need to be covered at ALL times when in public.

They would probably even teach sleeves AT LEAST to the elbow.

Many other things would they teach, and certainly they would be the center of much ridicule.

Most of all, however, they would teach “Love your brother even when he hates you!”

I really do love being Apostolic!
I don't want or care about an self titled "Apostolic Inheritance", it's true. I want and care about the Lord's inheritance! I want and care nothing for traditions unless they are the ones God prescribes in the bible

You might like to contend but where the rubber meets the road is what the bible says or does not say on the issues
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  1. There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
  2. The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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Old 01-23-2013, 12:06 PM
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Re: I love being Apostolic!

Originally Posted by crakjak View Post
Some say God cannot tolerate sin.

But the fact is he has been tolerating it for many generations. God doesn't need your list to protect His righteousness, He has covered all sin with the blood.

Sin will not be completely removed from the creation until God becomes all in all. That will be when HE thru Jesus Christ eradicates it from His creation, there is nothing you can do with your list to help Him get it done. It is His workmanship, when death is finally defeated, what you would sincerely like to help along will finally be completed, but this is God's world and His work, he could remove all sin today if that was His plan, but it is not.

The contrast between good and evil, is serving His purpose, He will complete it. He tells us to owe no man anything but to love.

Why don't we actually do what He says, if you will study the gospels, the life of Jesus, you will find that He never condemned sinners, like we are so high developed in doing. BUT, NOW GET THIS, HE REBUKED THE RELIGIOUS LEADERS FOR ABUSING THE FOLKS. IF WE WANT TO BE LIKE JESUS......???
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Old 01-23-2013, 12:08 PM
hometown guy hometown guy is offline
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Re: I love being Apostolic!

Originally Posted by kclee4jc View Post
Tell me about it
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Old 01-23-2013, 12:08 PM
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Re: I love being Apostolic!

The gist of Apostolic Identity/Inheritance- skirts, buns, no fun. The gist of a disciple of Christ - life and that more abundantly.

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
I don't want or care about an self titled "Apostolic Inheritance", it's true. I want and care about the Lord's inheritance! I want and care nothing for traditions unless they are the ones God prescribes in the bible

You might like to contend but where the rubber meets the road is what the bible says or does not say on the issues
A religious spirit allows people to tolerate hatred and anger under the guise of passion and holiness. Bill Johnson

Legalism has no pity on people. Legalism makes my opinion your burden, makes opinion your boundary, makes my opinion your obligation-Lucado

Some get spiritual because they see the light. Others because they feel the heat.Ray Wylie Hubbard

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Old 01-23-2013, 12:53 PM
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Re: I love being Apostolic!

Originally Posted by MrsMcD View Post
What? I didn't know the Baptist were lost and didn't know the truth.
MrsMcD it all depends on who you ask here on this forum. Some even have the nerve to say that they worship a different Jesus. Just saying!
Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand. (Romans 14:4)

Scripture is its own interpreter. Nothing can cut a diamond but a diamond. Nothing can interpret Scripture but Scripture" Thomas Watson.
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Old 01-23-2013, 12:58 PM
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Re: I love being Apostolic!

Originally Posted by Michael Phelps View Post
Scripture and verse?
Acts 5; 1-10


On a side note; isn't that the point of the Epistles? Condemn the saints for going astray?
You can't reach the world with your talents. People are sick and tired of religious talents. People need a Holy Ghost annointed church with real fruits to reach out and touch their lives. ~ Pastor Burrell Crabtree

In fact I think that the insinuation of "hateful" Pentecostals is coming mostly from the fertile imaginations of bitter, backslidden ex Apostolics who are constantly trying to find a way to justify their actions. ~ strait shooter

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