the man lost all credability with me when he started preaching and putting the blame of a woman being raped on the women.. plus the holy magic hair doctrine ... the man to me isnt annointed and while some times he can speak encouragment you must admit he would be better off to stick to the word instead of bringing in lies. the fact is many things that come from him are well, lets just say. off...
this is one band wagon i was glad to get off from.
I'm still interested in getting the audio clip for this claim.
A lot of things can be faked on both sides of this.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Micah 6:8 KJV
Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. 1 John 3:2 KJV
I have, but it wasn't a LS meeting. It was the so-called Prophet Wesley Van Johnson, but that's another story.
And yes, the person was walking fine after, but 'they' tell me there are ways of manipulating that kind of thing.
Not that God can't do that...He can do anything!
It's just that the charlatans and whatnot have made skeptics of many, including this sister.
Of course I ask about the leg lengthening thing because it is still VERY common during healing services and one of the simpler "miracles" to fake. For someone to still use that technique would be like an evangelist using the "magical linking rings" to prove that God can trans mutate metal to allow one solid to pass through another.
Bro Stoneking was mentored and was contemporaries of those men. The 'HMH' issue was around before either Bro Cole or Bro Barnes passed. I know Bro Barnes didn't take objection to HMH, I heard it preached by another preacher behind the Minden pulpit by a preacher other than Bro Stoneking. Bro Barnes endorsed the message afterward.
As to Ali Baba and his 40 wives, let God sort it out. Bro Stoneking will fall on his face if he knowingly tells a lie he crafted or passes what he knows to be one. However, I'll side with Bro Stoneking until that time.
Respectfully, anyone, regardless of name or reputation that sides with something that is spouted as doctrine, when it is CLEARLY not, errs.
But giving these fine men the benefit of consideration for their years of ministry, they may have tried talking with him. Or perhaps he didn't spew the venom as harshly then as he does now.
I do wonder how can you say, "Let God sort it out," when so many believe this garbage and repeat it as fact? And then to side with him anyway?
Watching some poor people try to order and eat while the church group continued "church".
Of course I get upset when I go out to eat and someone insists on saying grace and evangelizing to all the nearby tables in the process.
Sorry, I am sure some found this video to be uplifting... I found it very disturbing.
(But again, thanks for sending me the link!)
I'm sorry you had a horrible childhood and you were dragged to church every 2-5 times a week, instead of a whore house or crack house. Some, like me, were raised by pot smoking bi-polar adulterers, and wife beating porno addicts - and by God's grace I found Him. It was in a racist Indy AP church, but I found Him. On top of that my step-mom, raised AP, was the worst witness of Christ and AP around. It was always about standards and 'losing the Holy Spirit' (what hogwash, losing the Spirit). I never heard about God's love or Calvary's cross. She was abusive, mentally, physically and spiritually.
I knew they were off on their racism (it was MS, not surprised), but 6 months after I moved out of necessity and found a balanced UPC church, on the AR side of Memphis that had all kinds. Over the course of a decade there God healed a lot of old wounds caused by the above people.
I'm sorry you are so traumtized you find seven people receiving the Holy Spirit baptism, (receiving a life changing, life altering experience no less) disturbing. I hate to tell you this (actually I don't) - it's getting more common!!! It's going to get even more common. God Himself was ok with it - seven people received the Holy Spirit!
I'm sorry if you're parents were abusive Randy, I really am. But you're anger, cynicism and bitterness gets to be a little much. I don't know you, but I wanted to offer some perspective. I hope you find a way past all the pain, I really do, but that video was God moving in the lives of others. That video was book of Acts.
About the leg thing - happened at BOTT to Pastor Shepard of Millington, TN as Bro. Stoneking walked past him. He testified about it at the next BOTT. He had to almost learn to walk again. Christ did the healing, Stoneking was the vessel. But no, God wouldn't do it that way. I heard it from Pastor Shepard's mouth!
Of course I ask about the leg lengthening thing because it is still VERY common during healing services and one of the simpler "miracles" to fake. For someone to still use that technique would be like an evangelist using the "magical linking rings" to prove that God can trans mutate metal to allow one solid to pass through another.
I've seen it live and in person. In one case, the performer even did a little, um, how can I describe it? Kind of a pantomimed "tadaaaa" move: arms spread, palms up, head cocked to one side, with a little grin on his face that said "Thank you, thank you, and for my next trick..." Might as well have said, "And now I'll need a volunteer from the audience."
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
About the leg thing - happened at BOTT to Pastor Shepard of Millington, TN as Bro. Stoneking walked past him. He testified about it at the next BOTT. He had to almost learn to walk again. Christ did the healing, Stoneking was the vessel. But no, God wouldn't do it that way. I heard it from Pastor Shepard's mouth!
And I can show you the wonderful miracle of the linking rings!
I'm sorry you had a horrible childhood and you were dragged to church every 2-5 times a week, instead of a whore house or crack house. Some, like me, were raised by pot smoking bi-polar adulterers, and wife beating porno addicts - and by God's grace I found Him. It was in a racist Indy AP church, but I found Him. On top of that my step-mom, raised AP, was the worst witness of Christ and AP around. It was always about standards and 'losing the Holy Spirit' (what hogwash, losing the Spirit). I never heard about God's love or Calvary's cross. She was abusive, mentally, physically and spiritually.
So it is either/or?
I knew they were off on their racism (it was MS, not surprised), but 6 months after I moved out of necessity and found a balanced UPC church, on the AR side of Memphis that had all kinds. Over the course of a decade there God healed a lot of old wounds caused by the above people.
I'm sorry you are so traumtized you find seven people receiving the Holy Spirit baptism, (receiving a life changing, life altering experience no less) disturbing. I hate to tell you this (actually I don't) - it's getting more common!!! It's going to get even more common. God Himself was ok with it - seven people received the Holy Spirit!
After all, Lee Stoneking said so!
<Words in RED inserted by me for the sake of others reading>
I'm sorry if you're parents were abusive Randy, I really am. But you're anger, cynicism and bitterness gets to be a little much. I don't know you, but I wanted to offer some perspective. I hope you find a way past all the pain, I really do, but that video was God moving in the lives of others. That video was book of Acts.
Giving LS ANY benefit of the doubt is like giving the priestess of voodoo, Mama Bogwoshin (made up name) of New Orleans, credit for all the stuff she gets right!
Last edited by RandyWayne; 06-20-2012 at 12:44 PM.