Re: Pastor openly rebukes Evangelist from the pulp
Originally Posted by Timmy
How can you tell?
Call it a strong hunch. That plus I'm still waiting to hear ONE that has some SPECIFIC info on something that hasn't happened yet, but ultimately does. Can't say it never happened -just haven't personally witnessed it yet.
Re: Pastor openly rebukes Evangelist from the pulp
Originally Posted by RandyWayne
Call it a strong hunch. That plus I'm still waiting to hear ONE that has some SPECIFIC info on something that hasn't happened yet, but ultimately does. Can't say it never happened -just haven't personally witnessed it yet.
I have strong hunches, too. All the time!
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Re: Pastor openly rebukes Evangelist from the pulp
Originally Posted by Timmy
I have strong hunches, too. All the time!
Hunches are nothing more than your brain taking in the available information, comparing it to the past, and making a statistical analysis of the likelihood of something happening, or not happening.
Re: Pastor openly rebukes Evangelist from the pulp
Originally Posted by Dagwood
Hold up, acerrak. The bolded statement above, take a look at it. Now, you tell me if I saw an actual tree during the summer months with no leaves, it wouldn't be dead? Something didn't rot on the inside of it? Some bug infestation didn't cause it to die? I don't know of any tree with barren branches and no leaves in the middle of the summer and not initially think of it as dead or rotten.
But, I could be wrong...
what i am saying is that even a good apple tree with good fruit on it can have a apple infected by worms, even though the tree is a good tree and is producing good fruits, there are times when the fruit is effected thus a bad apple, but it doesnt make the tree a bad tree.
so i wouldnt even compare this woman to a dead tree. cause 14 minutes is not enough time to see fruits that take a great amount of time to produce.
do you think all those people in the church of corinth that was producing some bad fruit and acting sinful was called dead trees?ofcourse not. they needed to be trimed. this is what Pauls letter was about.
im not judging the man or woman either way, i do think he was wrong to go in and rebuke her, but who am i or you or jay to say that these are unfruitfull Spiritless trees...
Re: Pastor openly rebukes Evangelist from the pulp
Originally Posted by RandyWayne
Hunches are nothing more than your brain taking in the available information, comparing it to the past, and making a statistical analysis of the likelihood of something happening, or not happening.
Had a hunch you'd say that.
(Actually, no, I didn't. )
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Re: Pastor openly rebukes Evangelist from the pulp
Whether this woman is a false prophetess or not is irrelevant. I have my own ideas about her kind of "ministry", but setting those aside, I believe the pastor was out of line. He went onto the platform under false pretenses, and was out of order. If he felt she needed correction, the biblical method is to go to her privately, then before 2 or 3, and then before the church.
If the people from his assembly weren't supposed to be there, then he should have been dealing with them directly. I find it interesting that he was so threatened by this "miracles" ministry, anyway.
As for the people who were rebuking him and the few who tried to touch him--they are like Peter with the sword in the Garden: well-meaning and defending someone they love, but acting impulsively in ignorance.
Personally I thought the prophetess handled it appropriately and as gently as she could. I don't think my pastor would handle it with such good humor.
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
--David Livingstone
"To see no being, not God’s or any, but you also go thither,
To see no possession but you may possess it—enjoying all without labor or purchase—
abstracting the feast, yet not abstracting one particle of it;…."
--Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass, Song of the Open Road
Re: Pastor openly rebukes Evangelist from the pulp
Originally Posted by acerrak
you cant observe fruit of God in a persons life in a 14 minute video. next time you sin, because sin is willfull and the cause of it is pride and arrogance, what seperates them from you? you are no different. we can declare you living in the flesh. So maybe when you stumble some one should run up to you and say brother Jay your in the flesh, your fruits are rotten. we saw the desire of your sin filled heart revealed. cause we know actions speaks about the intent of the heart.
Your judging another mans servant when your under the same master.
mathew7:1 very clear on the subject.
what ever you sow it will be reaped.
That would be true if I served their master, but I do not. Both of these are false teachers. The first wrong belongs on the pastor, and then the two of them split the difference. This was not just a mistake that made, but was the deliberate attempt to sabotage and undercut each other. She encouraged her followers to be impolite. This was worse than anything you can lay at the feet of Peter, Paul, and all but a unique few in the ministry in general. And I can tell if a tree is dying or dead even with green leaves on it. If you know what to look for, it takes no more than five minutes.
Originally Posted by Truthseeker
I not a fan of services on tv. I wouldn't want to be filmed.
Any one who would want to be broadcast on television should have their head examined for brain injury and given a one way pass to the nearest mental ward. This is especially true after this incident.
Originally Posted by Dagwood
Hold up, acerrak. The bolded statement above, take a look at it. Now, you tell me if I saw an actual tree during the summer months with no leaves, it wouldn't be dead? Something didn't rot on the inside of it? Some bug infestation didn't cause it to die? I don't know of any tree with barren branches and no leaves in the middle of the summer and not initially think of it as dead or rotten.
But, I could be wrong...
This is very true. However, you are not wrong. It does not take much to see the signs if you know what to look for.
I am an Apostolic Pentecostal. Apostolic in teaching, and Pentecostal in experience.