Originally Posted by Sabby
People too easily forget that the power is ordained of God as a minister of justice. Note carefully that it doesn't say God instituted the individual IN POWER. The purpose of authority is to provide ordered, peaceful lives.
This is why an "instituted" authority should be a person that is merciful and just. This provides an even greater reason for Christians to be involved in political processes - providing you believe that Christians should be involved at all.
King George III of England, Hitler, Arafat, etc, proved they were not up to the level of being ministers of a righteous God. King George lost the colonies, Hitler lost the war (and his life) and Amin went into exile, thank God no longer a ruler.
To say that God instituted Hitler is wack
So you are saying those who perceive to be good God appoints? Did God appoint Pharaoh? It gets worse, did he appoint Satan?
Exodus 9: 16 Darby Bible Translation
And for this very cause have
I raised thee up, to shew thee my power; and that my name may be declared in all the earth.
Speaking of Pharaoh.
It is God who sets up kings and removes them.
Dan 2:21. And he changeth the times and the seasons:
he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:
Job 34:24
He breaks in pieces mighty men
without inquiry, and sets others in their place.
Also do we pick and choose who God wants at the ballot box? Our battles are spiritual. God rules the nations. The U.S. has been slaughtering people since its birth. What man is up to the task?