Originally Posted by chaotic_resolve
I've just heard rumors of a new district being formed or a split . . . unverified as of yet.
Going before the conference is the issue of the FORMATION of the Southern California District. The General Board of the UPCI has given it's nod of approval and it is going for a vote of the district at the conference. It is not a SPLIT but a FORMATION of a new district. Geographically speaking, the district spans a distance from New Orleans to Chicago......to put it in perspective. In so much, unless one lives in the center of the State, everything is 6-8 hour drives.
The FORMATION, which was presented to Haney and Mullings about 4-5 months ago, and given their blessing, came out of the blue to some up North. It has since been said that a well known pastor in the Northern part of the State would like to form a Northern California district. Based on the vote that just occured minutes ago...I think this will be the next piece of news in a year's time.