Originally Posted by Rhoni
Just an update...
I had the privilege of meeting with Sis. Esther this week and she is doing so much better. She is on her feet, was able to enjoy a walk around the block, and her Dr is lessening her pain medicine now.
We enjoyed fellowship and prayer. God is good! Thank-you for continued prayers for she and her husband. He has been a trouper and taken very good care of her.
Blessings, Rhoni
Thanks Rhoni,
I appreciate you coming by to pray for me.
I am still tired very easily. I hate that. Riding seems to make my neck very sore.
I am very concerned about my left arm/hand, it has a blood clot in it and must not be dissolved yet as my hand is swollen more this morning and still hurting.
I wanted to go to church today but I am worn out by the time I get my shower and try to do something with my hair, with my husbands help. He is NOT a hair stylist, but I do appreciate what he is able to do.
I think I will try and go to church online today with the POA.
Thanks for your prayers and I am not where I need to be yet.