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11-08-2010, 09:34 AM
Saved & Shaved
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Re: Benny Hinn rebukes Joel Osteen??
Really... you're posting stuff from 1996??? LOL
11-08-2010, 09:44 AM
Ravaged by Grace
Join Date: Sep 2009
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Re: Benny Hinn rebukes Joel Osteen??
Originally Posted by Aquila
I see it kind of like this...
Osteen is addressing a widespread problem in America... depression, sense of failure, and low self esteem. Believe it or not, after my wife left me I found comfort in a lot of Osteen's teachings. The idea that it's not over, God is still willing to give favor, I did my best and I can rise up and do better, I can have a new beginning, God still loves me, things of that nature. My own church largely turned their backs on me... and while I hold part of the responsibility for my failed marriage.... she's the one who left and was coloring outside the lines, though I had mercy and asked that she repent and we get counseling. But Osteen truly ministered to me...
Wow....great post and example. Barnabas showed up at the church of Antioch and spurred them on to great things by simply showing up and saying, "You can make it." Joel Osteen is a Barnabas and he shows up in the living rooms of people each week and simply says, over and over again, "You can make it."
We need more Barnabas' in the American Church and fewer grouches that just want to crack the whip.
I am a VERY negative person concerning Christian TV and have no use for it, but I'll watch Osteen and I used to watch Schuller a little bit. And they're both saying, "You can make it." Quite often, I need to hear that.
Thanks for your post, Aquila.
You know you miss me
11-08-2010, 10:00 AM
Jesus' Name Pentecostal
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Re: Benny Hinn rebukes Joel Osteen??
Originally Posted by notofworks
We need more Barnabas' in the American Church and fewer grouches that just want to crack the whip.
I am a VERY negative person concerning Christian TV and have no use for it, but I'll watch Osteen and I used to watch Schuller a little bit. And they're both saying, "You can make it." Quite often, I need to hear that.
And, thank God, we can make it
and, we will make it.
but it is easier to make it with encouragement from encouragers like Barnabas.
11-08-2010, 10:03 AM
Jesus' Name Pentecostal
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Re: Benny Hinn rebukes Joel Osteen??
These are some notes from an old lesson I taught on Barnabas.
Actually, I think I've taught this twice in different forms.
This is just taking the Bible references to Barnabas in chronological order and making some points about what kind of a guy he was:
old sermon not dated
John 13:34-35, 1 Jn 3:14-18; 4:19-21
Bar-Nabba (exhorter)
Pa-RA-klay-tos or Paraclete helper, advocte, encourager,
to build up, cheer up, stir up, lift up
title given to the Holy Spirit by Jesus
May 28, A.D. 30 Church empowered Acts 2:1-4
fellowship, things common Acts 2:42-47
1) AD 30/3 1 Acts 4:32-37 sold out, contrast Acts 5:1-11
He was a giver
Jan 25, AD 32 Saul Converted Acts 9:1-19
2) AD 35-36 introduced Saul to Apostles Acts 9:26-29
He was an accepting person
AD 42, Antioch
3) Early AD 4 3 Acts 11:19-26 sent to Antioch, finds Saul
He was an encourager (11:23), full of faith, full of the Spirit, a good man (11:24)
4) AD 46 Acts 11:27-30; 12:25 Barnabas, Saul, Mark to Jerusalem and then back to Antioch
5) Acts 13:1-4 chosen, called prophet & teacher, ordained, Acts 13:4 thru 14:27 Paul’s first missionary journey Acts 14:4 called an apostle,
he was a man of fasting & prayer
left March 5 AD 47 returned Aug AD 49
6) late AD 49/early AD 50 Acts 156:1-27 Council at Jerusalem,
here again called prophet
7) Spring AD 50 split up Acts 15:36-41
he was willing to take second place and give a 2nd chance
John Mark who was his nephew ( Col 4:10)
Mark spoken of by Paul in Col 4:10 AD 60-62 worked with Paul, Philemon 24 called fellow laborer
AD 68, 2 Tim 4:11 Paul called Mark profitable, Peter called him my son 1 Peter 5:13
Tradition says Barnabas was martyred by stoning in Salamis around AD 61.
To be continued in part 2
11-08-2010, 10:04 AM
Stranger in a Strange Land
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Re: Benny Hinn rebukes Joel Osteen??
NINE of 'em? whoah nelly!
About ten years ago while visiting my mother in Florida her next door neighbor invited us up to her house for dinner. After the meal we were talking about the television ministry; she was a big fan of TBN. Well, me and my big mouth opined about Benny Hinn. She incredulously asked, "You don't like Benny?" All I could say was not really. She went on and on about his ministry as if he was the second coming of Billy Graham. I didn't say much (was kinda sheepish by that time), but as we were leaving she asked us to wait, she had "something" for me to take back home. She went into a back room and retrieved three handkerchiefs that had been personally anointed and prayed over by Benny. I was to go home and use these handkerchiefs in prayer for the sick. She was excited to give them to me, and (wanting to appear gracious) I received them and brought them home. I might add she paid $25 for them.
I will confess I never used them for prayer for the sick. If I lack faith will someone tell me?
Another "Hinn" encounter. I preached in Alaska for a pastor whose father's wife suffered diabetes terribly. She had been prayed for in nearly every service for healing for her suffering in the local church. As a big fan of TBN and Benny Hinn, she became convinced that if she would fly into the lower 48 to a crusade Hinn was having that he would lay hands on her and she would be healed. She really believed it. Another way to put it is, she really had faith to be healed.
She bought the plane ticket, went to the crusade, got personally prayed for by Benny. She returned home, and three months later had her leg amputated. It was so very, very sad. Not only was her body breaking down, but it broke her faith in the Lord as well. I am sure from this one example I have given of the thousands that have been "prayed for" by Benny that there are multitudes that have been left confused, doubting the love and power of God. Benny is tying a millstone around his neck, and if he doesn't get things right with God before he dies, he'll drown himself.
Hinn a just another charismatic pentecostal that is as deep as an El Paso mud puddle in March.
By their fruit we shall know them.
The Gospel is in Genesis
Last edited by Sabby; 11-08-2010 at 10:07 AM.
11-08-2010, 10:07 AM
Saved & Shaved
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Location: SOUTH ZION
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Re: Benny Hinn rebukes Joel Osteen??
BTW, I am NOT endorsing his "healing" ministry.
11-08-2010, 10:07 AM
Jesus' Name Pentecostal
Join Date: Feb 2007
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Re: Benny Hinn rebukes Joel Osteen??
Some stories about encouragers
1. A story of an elderly encourager
Gary Ratliff, Senior Pastor of the Full Gospel Apostolic Church in Kennett Square, PA.
When I was a teenager, we had an elder in the church, Rev. Frank Reedy. Bro. Reedy was probably in his 80's then. He had been a former pastor of the church and now my father was the pastor.
I can't recall what I had been doing one day but I know it was something terrible. All of us youth had great respect for Bro. Reedy and knew that he was a man that talked to God and that God talked to him. I remember going to church that night riding with some friends and hoping with everything in me that Bro. Reedy wasn't there. I didn't want God to show him what I had been doing.
We pulled into the parking lot and sure enough Bro. Reedy was walking toward the door with his back turned to me. I thought that maybe somehow I could avoid him the entire night. It seemed the second I got out of the car, Bro. Reedy stopped and turned around and said, "Gary, come here". I would never consider disobeying him (besides my dad would have beat me so I started walking toward him. There was no doubt in my mind but what God had showed him and I knew I was "dead meat"; I would take my rebuke from him and then he would take me to my father. There was no way I could dream of denying anything that God had showed Bro. Reedy.
I got to him and was "scared to death" (excuse my expression). That tall, slim, white haired man (went to meet the Lord many years ago) put his arm on my shoulder and said "I love you!" Nothing else, never told my father, never rebuked me; just told me he loved me. I am 49 years old now and am crying while I am writing this because I don't believe I ever experienced those three words being any more powerful than they were that day. Did I repent? You had better believe it!
I thought maybe somebody else may want to honor someone who has gripped your life for God.
2. from Renee
she has now been married for 12 years, she writes:
That is awesome brother! God sure does talk to some doesn't he?!
When I was first married, my husband wasn't very good to me at all. I was beaten, degraded, and so much more. I had a determination to live for God no matter what my husband did to me. I took my kids with me to everything the church had going on! No matter what it was, door knocking, prayer, ladies clean up day, no matter what!
There were a few, there always are, that felt I should just stay at home, they didn't bring their kids of course, it was their time away. (They had no idea what was going on at home, and I wonder if it really would have mattered.)
And know that I have very well behaved children, momma don't play! LOL
There was a dear sweet Saint of God who took me aside one day and told me this, "Renee', you bring those babies to the house of God every time you get a chance, you are teaching them to stand through the fire. If you do this, they will never walk away from God, because momma didn't!"
Then, a few years later right before my husband and I separated, I stumbled into church, late, tired and plum give out. I couldn't take any more! I sat in the only pew that was available, and guess who it was behind? Yeppers, Sister George! I raised my hands as tears ran down my face, and silently said, "Lord, search my heart, I can't take any more!" Just as I silently said these words, She turned around to me, placed her hands on my shoulder and said "Renee'. God wants to take every ounce of bitterness and hatred in your heart out, and He's gonna do it right now!" At that instance, I felt the power of God flow through me, it searched my chest and I literally felt all those terrible feelings and so much more, move out of my chest and up out and through my arms. It was amazing!
After my husband and I were separated for a few years, I was standing in my kitchen doing dishes when the phone rang. It was Sister George. I can tell you that in all my years, she only called me twice, and that was the first time. We never really spoke about anything, just the goodness of the Lord, that is all she would talk about to everyone! LOL
She said she was just praying and the Lord told her to call me and let me know that "He had heard my cries and felt my pain, and that He was doing a great work!"
The next service a dear Sister came to me and said "Renee', God is going to heal your hurt, and your husband is coming back!" I didn't know if I should be scared or jump for joy! Guess who showed up to church the next Sunday night? Right again, my husband!
Sister George just recently went home to be with the Lord. She was a great example to all that ever came across her path. Through all of her sickness, she smiled, thought of others, gave testimonies, worked in the church, never complained, never missed a ladies prayer meeting, (unless she physically couldn't be there) and had a smile for all those in need of lifting up. Many times she would stagger into church, sick, tired and give out, just to receive that blessing from the Lord. I can promise you, we were blessed even more by her determination and love!
She was wise beyond human understanding, and sweeter than honey. She changed my outlook and my life, and I'm not sure if she ever knew just how much I love her. (love doesn't die, just because the person does) But then again, she seemed to know everything! Guess that is what happens when you walk and talk to God every moment of your day!
3. Don Doran, currently in Arkansas. At one time was pastor of a church in California
This was about 12 years ago.
Wow! These are two incredible testimonies that have really touched my heart. Thank you both for sharing.
Several years ago we were dedicating a new church and had our Dist. Supt. Bro. Paul Price of Calif. preach for us. If you know Bro Price you know he only has one real message and that is "Knowing Jesus." After the service on Sunday night, my daughter, niece and youngest son went to him and asked him to teach them about Jesus. My daughter was 15, the other two about 12. He sat down with his Bible and began to teach them. I thought it was awesome that this great man of God would take time with these young people.
A few weeks later I received a phone call. It was Bro Price. I was so excited that he had called me. He asked for permission to talk to Abby, my daughter. When she was finished talking to him, she told me that he had called to talk more to her about "Knowing Jesus." I told her, do you understand what has just happened, I have been a minister in this Dist. for over 20 years and Bro Price has never called me just to talk...
A few weeks later Bro Price called again. He said when he had talked to Abby before he had told her to use a concordance to look up scriptures on the subject he had given her. She told him she didn't have one. He told me he was sending her one. Sure enough, a few days later a package came and there was a concordance from Bro. Price, one of his personal one's with notes and markings and a personal letter.
A couple of weeks ago I came across this picture and was so moved as I remembered this great man of God, in my opinion a modern day Apostle Paul, taking time to share his relationship and burden with young people, making a difference in their lives. Each of these three young people are involved in Ministry today and greatly blessed of God.
4. Jim Ellis
About 40 years ago I was a lot younger. We had moved to an older house that needed a lot of work. We had 5 small children all under the age of 10. I had been having chronic headaches for days and days. We had steamed off old wallpaper and patched and painted walls. I had not been to church for a couple of weeks. When you have 4 services a week, you miss quite a few services in a couple of weeks. I went to a midweek service and I was very tired, I actually had to force myself to go. It was like dragging a dead person there. I hadn't been in prayer and in the Word like I should have been and I really did not want to go. I dreaded seeing people and making some excuse for why I hadn't been around there for a while. An elderly man, an usher named Elmer shook, my hand and I heard the dreaded words, "Bro. Jim, I haven't seen you in a while. Where have you been?" I looked down, and mumbled something like, "Well, I just haven't been here. I've been home." He reached out his arms, pulled me to himself and gave me a big hug. "Home? That's no place for an Apostolic preacher. We missed you!" he said with a smile. Wow! It just felt so good to feel wanted and accepted. I still think of that as a very encouraging time for a young preacher who was discouraged.
11-08-2010, 10:08 AM
Jesus' Name Pentecostal
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Re: Benny Hinn rebukes Joel Osteen??
Hey, I didn't mean to hijack this thread, but, when NOW talked about encouragers instead of critics it brought some stuff to mind.
11-08-2010, 10:39 AM
Ravaged by Grace
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Re: Benny Hinn rebukes Joel Osteen??
Originally Posted by Sam
Hey, I didn't mean to hijack this thread, but, when NOW talked about encouragers instead of critics it brought some stuff to mind.
That is GREAT stuff, Sam! I love it!! At the Giants victory parade last week, Freddy Sanchez spoke. In the middle of the season, he was in a big slump and to the point he felt like he didn't belong in the lineup. He told the story of "Sabes" (General Manager, Brian Sabean) coming by his locker one day and saying, "Freddy, pick your head up. We traded for you because we know you're a good player and you belong here. We gave up a good player to get you because we knew you were worth it. You're gonna be ok."
Sanchez said that simple statement turned around his season and his batting average went from the .240's to .292 by the end of the season.
Yet another example of Barnabas walking into the room and changing everything with just a simple statement. I wanna be a Barnabas!!
You know you miss me
11-08-2010, 11:06 AM
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Re: Benny Hinn rebukes Joel Osteen??
Originally Posted by Sabby
NINE of 'em? whoah nelly.
LOL...I thought I was the only one who said, "whoa nelly"!
Yeah...what is that, the "nineity"?
I might add she paid $25 for them.
Wonder how much Paul charged?
I will confess I never used them for prayer for the sick. If I lack faith will someone tell me?
I wouldn't have used them either. You did the right thing, you were gracious.
Another "Hinn" encounter. I preached in Alaska for a pastor whose father's wife suffered diabetes terribly. She had been prayed for in nearly every service for healing for her suffering in the local church. As a big fan of TBN and Benny Hinn, she became convinced that if she would fly into the lower 48 to a crusade Hinn was having that he would lay hands on her and she would be healed. She really believed it. Another way to put it is, she really had faith to be healed.
She bought the plane ticket, went to the crusade, got personally prayed for by Benny. She returned home, and three months later had her leg amputated. It was so very, very sad. Not only was her body breaking down, but it broke her faith in the Lord as well. I am sure from this one example I have given of the thousands that have been "prayed for" by Benny that there are multitudes that have been left confused, doubting the love and power of God. Benny is tying a millstone around his neck, and if he doesn't get things right with God before he dies, he'll drown himself.
Hinn a just another charismatic pentecostal that is as deep as an El Paso mud puddle in March.
By their fruit we shall know them.
How sad. This is what happens when someone puts their trust in man...but, you know that.
I would never question the man's original intentions or that God can't use anyone He chooses...but, if we can't use at least some discernment, we'll find ourselves like this dear lady you spoke of...no matter who the preacher is.
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