With all due respect, Sandie, this thread is not about what you or people like you or me say. I have been very clear that I'm talking about one who has arguably been the leading voice in the conservative movement for decades. He is one who gets paid to talk and his words carry more weight and tend to shape people's perception of the conservative movement more than any other individuals.
As a black conservative, my issue is that it almost seems like some are trying to make it difficult for me to argue that there is no racial disrespect or issue at the root of the modern conservative movement.
It's just not a wise thing to continue to say given his position and stature IMO. When I first heard of it, I thought there was no way in the world that it was true...not because he wouldn't think it but because he wouldn't continue to say it.
I completely respect your opinion. Did you hear him say it for yourself? Are you 100% positive that he meant it as a racial slur, do you know the full context? I haven't heard it yet, but I'm sure the media will pick this up and pounce all over it and for that reason I too wish he hadn't said it.
Now, if he actually meant it as a racial slur then hopefully the free market will take care of his being "paid" to say anything.
But, I stand by my belief that PC has run amuck in this country.
He's one person who said one thing...I don't believe an entire movement or belief system ought to be painted with a broad brush.
And I for one don't really give him the title of leader of the conservative belief system. He has no real power to change policies that will affect you and I and our families. He's just one vote in one state, just as the rest of us who are not politicians.
Blessings to you and yours!
I think it is looking for offense to suggest that Rush is being racist by calling Bammer a boy.
Bammer acts petulent. that is Rush's point... as best as I can tell as I am generally working in the middle of the day and dont listen much because of that.
Bammer himself has made far more steriotypical and offensive comments and he gets a pass.
As per the ususal republicans MUST be sensitive to everyone. that is bunk.
Why not call him a little child? Rush's point is irrelevant. He knowingly,willfully used a term that is inflammatory towards blacks. That is why he does the things he does because it gets him more ratings. He doesn't care if blacks don't like him.
And also, people have thought Rush should run for office. Savage undergoes the same tripe. These men would never ever ever get elected because they are conservative talk show hosts that made their niche by being extremists in rhetoric.
Politicians know they need to be more careful, though they screw up from time to time. Rush and Savage and others like him don't care because they will never run for office, it's all about ratings and the mighty dollar
__________________ Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:
There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
Every sinner must repent of their sins.
That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
I would hope that anyone who knows me would know that i am not one who looks for offense. Saying the President acts childish may be one thing. Calling him a little boy is something else. For me it is not an issue of being personally offended because I really couldn't care less what Limbaugh thinks about black people
ooops ..I sent before I was done
My point is that anyone who has any understanding of race relations and the perceptions, knows how that is going to be taken and that needlessly puts black conservatives in a position to have to talk about it
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
I would hope that anyone who knows me would know that i am not one who looks for offense. Saying the President acts childish may be one thing. Calling him a little boy is something else. For me it is not an issue of being personally offended because I really couldn't care less what Limbaugh thinks about black people
It's not an issue of you being offended or what Rush thinks, but it is the perception of the Republican party and being conservative that is at stake.
I think Republicans need to stand up and repudiate stuff like that. They don't need to trash Rush , but just stand up and say we strongly disagree with that kind of stuff and stand together with their black counter parts in both parties and do it. It doesn't have to be partisan
__________________ Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:
There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
Every sinner must repent of their sins.
That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
I completely respect your opinion. Did you hear him say it for yourself? Are you 100% positive that he meant it as a racial slur, do you know the full context? I haven't heard it yet, but I'm sure the media will pick this up and pounce all over it and for that reason I too wish he hadn't said it.
Now, if he actually meant it as a racial slur then hopefully the free market will take care of his being "paid" to say anything.
But, I stand by my belief that PC has run amuck in this country.
He's one person who said one thing...I don't believe an entire movement or belief system ought to be painted with a broad brush.
And I for one don't really give him the title of leader of the conservative belief system. He has no real power to change policies that will affect you and I and our families. He's just one vote in one state, just as the rest of us who are not politicians.
Blessings to you and yours!
I'm saying that in many quarters the movement is already painted with that brush. There is no reason for a person of his stature to give any credence to it gratuitously.
Blessings to you too
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
I would hope that anyone who knows me would know that i am not one who looks for offense. Saying the President acts childish may be one thing. Calling him a little boy is something else. For me it is not an issue of being personally offended because I really couldn't care less what Limbaugh thinks about black people
There goes that "couldn't care less" again. Couldn't care less...could care less.....or just don't give a hoot!" lol Blessings to you tstew. Don't know you but I've always respected your posts here on AFF. Please don't take what I said as being disrespectful. Don't mean it that way at all.
Been Thinkin
"From the time you're born, 'til you ride in the hearse, there ain't nothing bad that couldn't be worse!"
LIFE: Some days you're the dog and some days you're the hydrant!
I have ... Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia! The fear of long words.
"Prediction is very hard, especially about the future." - Yogi Berra
"I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave in reflection." - Thomas Paine
Why not call him a little child? Rush's point is irrelevant. He knowingly,willfully used a term that is inflammatory towards blacks. That is why he does the things he does because it gets him more ratings. He doesn't care if blacks don't like him.
And also, people have thought Rush should run for office. Savage undergoes the same tripe. These men would never ever ever get elected because they are conservative talk show hosts that made their niche by being extremists in rhetoric.
Politicians know they need to be more careful, though they screw up from time to time. Rush and Savage and others like him don't care because they will never run for office, it's all about ratings and the mighty dollar
why be worried about what the left is going to say? Rush isnt a politician he owes no one anything. He didnt say anything racist with the child remark. it gets played that way because there is a desire to make rush be a racist.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
There goes that "couldn't care less" again. Couldn't care less...could care less.....or just don't give a hoot!" lol Blessings to you tstew. Don't know you but I've always respected your posts here on AFF. Please don't take what I said as being disrespectful. Don't mean it that way at all.
Been Thinkin
LOL...I was intending to bold the "couldn't care less" in my post but hit the submit button instad.
I don't think anyone's been disrespectful at all except for (nah, I'll resist the urge to pull the (you) prank) LOL
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
why be worried about what the left is going to say? Rush isnt a politician he owes no one anything. He didnt say anything racist with the child remark and anyone who makes it out to be so, does it on purpose.
Ferd, saying Obama is acting like a child would be perceived as different than directly calling the President a little boy.
It certainly doesn't help that you do not usually hear any President referred to in that manner.
As to why be worried about what the left is going to say, I'm speaking from the perspective of black conservatives who are worried about the left because most of their families and loved ones vote that way in part because of the perceived underlying racial issues. I realize that is inconsequential to many on the right, but it is an issue for some of us.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
why be worried about what the left is going to say? Rush isnt a politician he owes no one anything. He didnt say anything racist with the child remark. it gets played that way because there is a desire to make rush be a racist.
It's been pointed out it's not about what the left is doing to say.
First of all it's not just blacks on the left that might find that a racist comment.
Second it's the perception of the RIGHT that is the issue.
If he called Obama a boy, then that is perceived as racist, not just by blacks but even a lot of whites realize the connotations.
Rush is not an idiot. He is intelligent enough to calculate the ramifications of calling a black man "boy" or "child" and weigh the consequences and choose to use the term BOY.
It brings him more notoriety and listenership
__________________ Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:
There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
Every sinner must repent of their sins.
That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.