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Old 07-10-2010, 12:34 PM
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Re: Standards

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
Rather than doing a thread that will seem self-serving, I'll just post this here and "Let It Be" as Paul McCartney would say.

"Standards" was a real person.

Out of nowhere yesterday morning, he PMed me and said, "Are you _____ _______?"

Whether he was right or wrong about my identity, I freaked. I have never revealed my identity to anyone unless I trusted them completely. As it turns out, someone that does not like me at all and believes he knows who I am has "outed" me, or at least, believes he has. I've told a number of you before how protective I am with my ID because of certain personal reasons. If anyone is anywhere NEAR knowing my ID, I can't continue to be here.

So I was EXTREMELY upset and got in touch with Renda right away. In the meantime, he (Standards) apologized to me and said he was going to do something that would get him banned (kinda like AFF suicide) and then comeback with a fresh start.

I told him that wasn't the way to do it but he didn't listen, of course, and sent a note to many AFFers as well as Admin letting them know what he was going to do (kinda like his AFF suicide note). He then went on the SEU thread and said something like, "All you people do is gossip, you bunch of _______s". In his "parting note" he emphasized that what he was going to say did not represent his personality or character and I believe him.

I'm still trying to find out who is "outing me" but in the meantime, "NOW" is permanently retired. Maybe I'll try something else a few months from now, or maybe this is just a good way to break my AFF addiction!

But for anyone here who feels the need to guess at or to positively identify other members.....Shame on you!!! Regardless of your personal feelings toward me or others, you have no right to dishonor the discretion of AFFers who wish to remain anonymous. Anonymity is sacrosanct in a setting like this and vital to the success of a good Forum. While some are freely "Out" with who they are, there are others like me who have strong reasons for desiring to remain behind a bit of a curtain. How dare you take matters into your own hands and break the sanctity of another persons wishes. If you don't like what someone says, PM them and talk, don't be a snake, go behind the scenes, and start telling others who you think someone is.

I have shared who I am with several and have made lifelong friends. I've spent countless hours on the phone talking to some AMAZING friends about grace!! "Timmy" has become one of my closest friends and in some scary moments, it's been "Timmy" that I've reached out to first. I wanted to point him out because of the occasional vilification he receives because of his "beliefs" or "lack thereof".

This board is filled with some WONDERFUL people, and Renda, you know very well that's NOT what I thought at first. But the writings of Pelathais made me stay...I learned more from him than my college years combined...and I'm SO glad I stayed. Without AFF, I would have missed out on some of the greatest friends I've ever had.

Standards....this isn't on you and if I've said more than you wanted me to reveal, please accept my apologies. But there are many great friends I have here and felt I needed to explain. Again, I want to emphasize that "Standards" is not the bad guy in this story...unless he was trying to find out who I was, and I have no indication he was. But someone here...and I have a good idea who....has violated one of the basics of safety and I can't risk continuing.

I'm leaving my account active and wouldn't want to lose all the PM's I have so I'll be PMing those I don't keep in touch with outside the Forum.

I love you all deeply and I'll see you around.

Unbelievable....Who can understand the desire of those who wish to cause problems for others? It is incredibly sad how you people just don't get it.

Dear Mr. Troublemaker,

Recently, I tried to have a conversation with you in one of your threads, and as it looks, the timing was bad. You reacted harshly toward my participation and I in turn, snapped back at you.

As you obviously remember, I spoke negatively to you, due to many of the comments you made when you came on the scene with your NOW profile. As I recall, we exchanged some PM's and to the best of my knowledge our exchange became amicable. Unless I am again missing something, which I often do because I am not up to speed with all the behind the scenes action, and the who is who name swapping, I can only assume by our recent exchange that you might think I am somehow connected to this personal attack you have recieved. To that end, I am writing this now, to assure you that I do not, have not and would never take part in such heinous activity.

I assure you, this is my only user profile, and I have used it for many, many years on this forum and others. I read some of the goings on here, but hardly ever post, because the environment is well, a little too dramatic and hostile for my liking. When I do post, I can sometimes inadvertantly step into something that I'd rather not participate in. Like this mess.

I'd like you to know, that unlike the masses, I have absolutely no inspiration or agenda to cause you or anyone else, problems or harm. To the best of my knowledge, outside of the user names people provide, I don't know anyone on here personally. I am not a preacher, nor have I pretended to be one. In fact, I don't pretend, period. I may not be the kindest individual, but I am certainly not devious and I certainly don't have the time it takes to play the games far too many people on here like to play.

In fact, this one post has already taken far too much of my day....

I wish you well.

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Old 07-10-2010, 12:38 PM
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Re: Standards

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
No. It was a deliberate provocation. He talked about it, people tried to talk him out of it and to act in a mature fashion. He made a deliberate choice to take the actions that he did.

Stan: Just where do you stand on the issue of standards and grace?

Some of the guys here have collected some sermons you have preached including video so we all can know what you look like. Can they be posted?

A good online friend of this forum is known as "KansasPreacher." You have an audio sermon up on KP's site. How is KP going to react when he sees a copy of your postings here?
If you know who I am, then you know that I am nothing like what I appear to be on this forum. I have already stated that I am a conservative, so posting audio sermons will only prove that fact. However, be aware that even though I know NOW's identity, I will never share it. Someone on this forum told me who he was. If I hadn't asked him if he was.... then, this person could've continued to share his identity. I have wept and prayed before God for mercy for my actions. I have already apologized on this forum. If you want to post my sermons to make me look bad, then so be it. I am only 25 years old and I have a strange sense of humor that tends to get me in trouble sometimes. Kansaspreacher knows about my sense of humor and he wouldn't be supprised at my actions.

That being said, I have asked God for mercy and I have asked you for mercy. Shouldn't we leave it at that? Would Jesus want you to reveal my name on an open forum just to make me look bad? I really regret my actions and I will never post here again. Sorry NOW, but know that I will never reveal your ID.
Acts 2:19
And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:

Revelation 8:8
And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;

Last edited by MarshBea; 07-10-2010 at 12:40 PM.
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Old 07-10-2010, 12:38 PM
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Re: Standards

Originally Posted by Maximilian View Post
1) Why do you want to be banned so bad? Why not just create a new name and "start over?"

2) There are other ways of being banned that spewing insensitive hatred like he did. You can say it doesn't represent you, but when it comes to "being funny" there's a close connection between what comes out of the mouth and the heart.
Only he can answer that, but he does appear to need to seen as possessing a certain status in his crowd. Now he can boast "I was banned by those libs at AFF!"

Of course, if his posts were actually know among his crowd his plan for status would backfire. That's why I'm leaning toward posting links to his sermons and videos of him preaching. We should link his posts with his identity. This would protect AFF in the future from those who would want to display similar behavior.

Just MHO.
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Old 07-10-2010, 12:40 PM
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Re: Standards

Originally Posted by MarshBea View Post
If you know who I am, then you know that I am nothing like what I appear to be on this forum. I have already stated that I am a conservative, so posting audio sermons will only prove that fact. However, be aware that even though I know NOW's identity, I will never share it. Someone on this forum told me who he was. If I hadn't asked him if he was.... then, this person could've continued to share his identity. I have wept and prayed before God for mercy for my actions. I have already apologized on this forum. If you want to post my sermons to make me look bad, then so be it. I am only 25 years old and I have a strange sense of humor that tends to get me in trouble sometimes. Kansaspreacher knows about my sense of humor and he wouldn't be supprised at my actions.

That being said, I have asked God for mercy and I have asked you for mercy. Shouldn't we leave it at that? Would Jesus want you to reveal my name on an open forum? I really regret my actions and I will never post here again. Sorry NOW, but know that I will never reveal your ID.
I hadn't really seen a response from you with this depth of feeling. I am moved by your words. Thank you.

And BTW... the only way that I could have possibly known your "real" identity is by the fact that you told me yourself. I am satisfied with the apparent disposition of this matter and I won't bring it up again. I am puzzled by the actions of admin... but I will follow their gracious example.

Last edited by pelathais; 07-10-2010 at 12:42 PM.
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Old 07-10-2010, 01:08 PM
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Re: Standards

Originally Posted by MarshBea View Post
If you know who I am, then you know that I am nothing like what I appear to be on this forum. I have already stated that I am a conservative, so posting audio sermons will only prove that fact. However, be aware that even though I know NOW's identity, I will never share it. Someone on this forum told me who he was. If I hadn't asked him if he was.... then, this person could've continued to share his identity. I have wept and prayed before God for mercy for my actions. I have already apologized on this forum. If you want to post my sermons to make me look bad, then so be it. I am only 25 years old and I have a strange sense of humor that tends to get me in trouble sometimes. Kansaspreacher knows about my sense of humor and he wouldn't be supprised at my actions.

That being said, I have asked God for mercy and I have asked you for mercy. Shouldn't we leave it at that? Would Jesus want you to reveal my name on an open forum just to make me look bad? I really regret my actions and I will never post here again. Sorry NOW, but know that I will never reveal your ID.

Marsh...can you please contact me? I'd really appreciate it. I tired to PM you but the accounts won't receive PMs. I think I pointed it out....you're not the bad guy for me here. I have no problems with you and I appreciate your post. All is forgiven and you're completely good with me.

I was determined only to PM but since I can't get through, I wanted to say this to you. But if you can contact me, please do.
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Old 07-10-2010, 02:03 PM
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Re: Standards

Originally Posted by Coffee99 View Post
Pel and AQP, you are correct when you say not all conservatives. Unfortunately, my brush was broad and for that, I apologize. There are conservatives on this board for whom I hold great respect for the way that they stand for their beliefs without being hateful or ugly or condeming those with whom they disagree. The two of you, Hoovie and Miss Bratti are prime examples of this and, even though I disagree with much, I am impressed with the manner in which you all present your beliefs without gleeful condemnation of those who may see it differently. You and the others on this board like you are not the posters of which I spoke. In my "quick to anger" I was too broad. I'm sorry.

Thank you for the kind words.

Although I'd probably be considered more of a moderate liberal than a conservative. At least in Pentecostal circles.

To the rest of the world, I'd be very conservative.
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Old 07-10-2010, 02:25 PM
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Re: Standards

Originally Posted by *AQuietPlace* View Post
Thank you for the kind words.

Although I'd probably be considered more of a moderate liberal than a conservative. At least in Pentecostal circles.

To the rest of the world, I'd be very conservative.
Ditto for me as well.
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Old 07-10-2010, 05:09 PM
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Re: Standards

Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
Yeah, I wondered about that, too. MOW said all the IDs would be banned. But I'm not going to question him about that, since that's against the rules.
How about a new forum rule allowing only one ID at a time for each of us?

This could be done without revealing the person's real name unless one of the ID's was the real name.

And, if/when one wants to assume a new ID, an announcement to all showing the old ID and the new one?

Maybe this could also be done with a cumulative post count so the new ID doesn't start out with a single digit post count?
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Old 07-10-2010, 05:10 PM
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Re: Standards

Originally Posted by *AQuietPlace* View Post
... I'd probably be considered more of a moderate liberal than a conservative. At least in Pentecostal circles.

To the rest of the world, I'd be very conservative.
me too.
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Old 07-11-2010, 12:06 AM
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Re: Standards

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
How about a new forum rule allowing only one ID at a time for each of us?

This could be done without revealing the person's real name unless one of the ID's was the real name.

And, if/when one wants to assume a new ID, an announcement to all showing the old ID and the new one?

Maybe this could also be done with a cumulative post count so the new ID doesn't start out with a single digit post count?
No! That would be the end of Emma. (Or ILG. )
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