Originally Posted by RandyWayne
I have to ask, how would your posts cause your family grief? Are there the previously mentioned "peons" ready to report you to the man-of-god?
Not to the "man-of-god" but sometimes printed and passed out to the whole church! It is embarrassing, people hug the family members of those that have left and believe such things as they wrote about "the church" on the Internet. I would be used as an example to others of what happens when you leave "the church."
Don't get me wrong. These are actually sweet people, they fully believe what they believe and I used to be one of them. I totally understand and don't hold it against them. I feel sorry for them, but it doesn't make me angry since I used to think and believe as they do. They believe it is their duty to warn others and to keep "what they have" from being lost.