Originally Posted by allstate1
MY statement about the funeral home was to show that there
is stil racism on both sides its just not us white people doing all the hating! And yes I am tired of the slavery excuse! The folks that started school with me had every chance I did the same system the same teachers etc etc..!! SOme are doig bettet than me and some worse! I just hear it all too often as an excuse by the ones who dont wanna get off their lazy tales and TRY!!
Ok, so you're tired of the slavery excuse. Since you've never been one we all hear you loud and clear.
So what about blacks not being able to vote until my lifetime? What about blacks being thrown out of restaurants and not being allowed to use public restrooms or water fountains, in your lifetime? Are you tired of that one? What about the fact that still to this day whites have a significantly greater likelihood of being hired than a black person. Tired of that one?
What is your advice, exactly, to a black person that has been rejected from employment because of the color of their skin...or do you not think that happens anymore?