This really will lead to the complete marginalization of the UPC and assure that the label of "cult" is affixed more assuredly.
For this program to advance a number of beliefs have to be instilled in the minds of its followers:
1) That the "Three Stepper
Acts 2:38 ONLY salvation" plan was the original teaching of the Apostolic Faith Movement and was unanimously endorsed by the founders and pioneers of the UPC and the Oneness Pentecostal Movement.
2) That the current "holiness standards" with the prohibition against women ever cutting or trimming their hair has always been the norm.
3) That there has always been an historic body of believers who upheld this message along with its program of "holiness standards" throughout the history of the church.
Since these are obvious lies and fabrications, the whole spirit behind this program will be rife with continued deceit and other underhanded methods for its implementation.
Other Christian groups will see the lies (and have seen the lies) before those within the movement even know what's going on. This will lead those within the movement to proclaim themselves as being "persecuted" when in fact they are the persecutors of their own brethren and the lies will continue to build up.
In other words, pretty much the status quo since the late 1960's.