Originally Posted by Ferd
what? my post with the "moron" comment was not attached or a reply to anything.
quit whining like a little girl.
if you are going to be the "enforcer" on the playground, man up and deal.
I rarely post but finally had to say something on the other thread that's talking about jokes. I looked through this to see to whom I should reply and you're the one with the worst attitude so I'll talk to you. But there are others who need to hear it too.
I counsel women who have been slapped by their husbands. Beaten. Who have bled at the hands of men. How in God's name can you find these things funny? I'm horrified by what I'm reading and I waited for someone to speak up but since it isn't happening I'll say it. You called someone a bully. Mr. Ferd, you have defined the term perfectly here with your complete disrespect to women and government leaders who you should at least respect even if you can't agree with them. And I see a joke making fun of Indians? How can this even happen in a circle that claims to be Apostolic that, that claims to be Christian?
If your bothered by what I say, you should be.